Page 5 - Your Philanthropic Impact 2023 | George Eastman Circle | University of Rochester
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HAJIM SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING                                      RIVER CAMPUS
                  & APPLIED SCIENCES                                          LIBRARIES

                       $395,085                                                 $312,505

        •  Financial aid played an important role in            •  The River Campus Library Excellence Fund
          recruiting the best and the brightest students.         supports the University of Rochester Libraries’
          Students who want to use their engineering and          priorities as defined by the Dean. These include
          applied sciences degrees to solve some of               student experiential learning, redesigned and
          society’s most pressing challenges and make             updated spaces, and digitization of resources to
          the world ever better.                                  give better access to students, faculty, and
        •  Hajim students gained valuable experience by           researchers. In addition, we continue to enhance
          participating in research, internships, and global      our collection with acquisitions of rare and unique
          experiences. Research provided students the             materials, both physical and digital, for
          chance to develop creative and analytic skills          customized curricular experiences, curated
          that enhance their problem-solving abilities;           exhibits, citizen scholarship, and collaborations
          internships allowed students to put into practice       with other cultural institutions.
          what they learned in the classroom in real-world      •  The River Campus Libraries (RCL) researched and
          scenarios; global experiences broaden students’         developed a comprehensive library internship
          perspectives. Donor support made it possible for        program that provided practice/project-based
          students to have these experiences regardless           employment/experiential learning through paid
          of their financial resources.                           internships in students’ areas of interest.  Summer

        •  George Eastman Circle support made it possible         internships include opportunities in IT, digital
          for students to attend a number of national             scholarship, finance, metadata, learning &
          conferences for their professional societies,           research initiatives, and administration.
          including (but not limited to) the Society of         •  Internships offered coaching opportunities with
          Women Engineers (SWE), the National Society of          outcomes of improved curriculum vitae; provided
          Black Engineers (NSBE), the Society of Hispanic         opportunities for students to present their
          Professional Engineers (SHPE), and the Society          projects to RCL and others; networking
          of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE).               opportunities; and familiarized students with
                                                                  working in a professional environment.
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