Page 8 - Your Philanthropy Impact 2019-2020 | George Eastman Circle | University of Rochester
P. 8

$1.1M                                                     $421,756

      SIMON                                                    WARNER SCHOOL

      BUSINESS SCHOOL                                          OF EDUCATION

      •  Simon climbed 16 spots to #29 in Bloomberg            •  Warner offers guaranteed 50% school counseling
        Businessweek’s Best US Business Schools in 2019,         scholarships to up to 15 graduate students to help
        and in 2020 returned to the top 35 in US News &          address the statewide shortage of school counselors
        World Report for the first time in a decade. Its         studying to provide K-12 students with the guidance
        trailblazing STEM-designated degrees across              and socio-emotional support they need to succeed
        all specializations and programs are in high-            in school and in life.
        demand, preparing students to lead and solve
        the toughest challenges in today’s data-driven         •  Martha Mock, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
        business environment.                                    and Director of the Center for Disability and
                                                                 Education, received the Leadership in Inclusive
      •  In a highly competitive MBA landscape,                  Higher Education Award from the State of the Art
        scholarships are a critical component of Simon’s         Conference in Syracuse, NY.
        admissions strategy, helping to enroll more than
        60% of top candidates for the Full-Time MBA            •  The Center for Learning in the Digital Age (LiDA)
        program. Over $16M in total aid was awarded in           launched and aims to provide the resources to help
        2019 to students from diverse backgrounds                schools and organizations to better capitalize on
        around the globe.                                        technology in educational settings. The LiDA
                                                                 Center is led by former Dean, Raffaella Borasi.
      •  Student satisfaction and outcomes are at an all-
        time high, supported by investments in the Jay S.      •  The Warner School’s Center for Urban Education
        and Jeanne Benet Career Management Center,               Success (CUES) hosted its third annual Symposium
        experiential learning and revitalized physical           to engage the community in a discussion of the role
        spaces that transform the student experience.            community schools play in addressing academic,
                                                                 social, and emotional needs of students and families.
                                                                 Over 100 attendees participated in the forum that
                                                                 offered a variety of  sessions led by community
                                                                 leaders from 18 local, statewide, and national
                                                                 organizations involved in developing partnerships
                                                                 between schools and communities.
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