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Spring-Summer 2000
Vol. 62, No. 3

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Class Notes--Undergraduate


OCTOBER 12-15, 2000

Mark Kirsch and Lisa Hanover e-mail a belated birth announcement: Their third daughter, Jillian Michelle, was born on February 21, 1997. Mark is a partner in the Washington, D.C., office of Piper Marbury Rudnick & Wolfe, where he specializes in franchise, licensing, and distribution law. "Lisa has her hands full with Jessica, 11, Dani, 8, and Jillian, 2," they write. . . . Henry Pettingill reports that he has been living in Madrid since 1996, but was moving to Buenos Aires in January. He is working as a worldwide exploration portfolio manager for REPSOL-YPF, a major Spanish oil company. . . . Mark Sudol e-mails that he received a master's degree in marine biology and a doctorate in environmental science and engineering from UCLA.


Phyllis Cherebin

Phyllis Cherebin, a senior staff attorney in the criminal defense division of the Legal Aid Society, received the organization's 1999 Marden Award for outstanding service and dedication. . . . Lt. Christopher Conlin e-mails that he and his wife of two years, Ava Marie Salerno, had their first child, Grace Maria, on November 9, 1999. The family lives in San Diego, Calif. He adds: "Life is great! Haven't missed a snowflake since getting to California. Visit or write ( if you can!". . . Louis Cristo, a partner at the Rochester firm of Trevett, Lenweaver and Salzer, P.C., has been elected chair of the New York State Bar Association's 4,364-member Torts, Insurance and Compensation Law Section. . . . Neil Kochen has been named chief investment officer for equity investments at Aeltus Investment Management, Inc., a subsidiary of Aetna, Inc. . . . Tracy Mitrano e-mails: "Reading through all of the class notes for the years including and around my graduation, made me feel both proud of everyone's accomplishments and nostalgic for our past times together. In 1989, I received a doctorate in American history and in 1995, a law degree. I am currently teaching family and social policy at Cornell University. My greatest joy, however, are my two boys, Nikko, 8, and Sammy, 3--beautiful! I hope friends and acquaintances will come back to Rochester for the big reunion. It will be fun to see everyone again." . . . William Saltzstein e-mails that he is director of advanced development for Medtronic Physio-Control in Redmond, Wash.


David Burke, associate professor of human genetics at the University of Michigan, received a faculty recognition award for his contributions to the University of Michigan. . . . John and Jane Womer e-mail that they made a major lifestyle change in 1997 by moving to a small village on the Maine coast. Since then, Jane has embarked on a new career as a potter, working part time for a local retailer, and teaching children at a nearby arts center. John continues as president and CEO of The Plastic Forming Co., dividing his time between a home office and locations in Connecticut and Ohio. They add: "Our three kids are thriving. Megan, 16, is a sophomore at Phillips Academy (Andover); Russell, 13, and Annie, 7, are enjoying the benefits of a small school, a close-knit community, and natural beauty. We can definitely attest that the unofficial state motto--'Maine: The Way Life Should Be'--is certainly true for us!"


Jack Baron, president, northern region, for PaeTec Communications, Inc., was named as one of the Rochester Business Journal's "40 Under 40" award winners for his superior performance on the job and in the community. . . . Derek McSween e-mails that he is working as a senior project manager for Bovis Construction Corp. and worked on the construction project for the Olympic Stadium in Atlanta for the 1996 Olympic Games. He also was in Charlotte, N.C., working on a school bond program that calls for building 10 new schools and renovating 73 existing schools in the metro area. He adds: "I am recently married (to Shari) and loving life!" . . . Marine Major Michael Raimondo spent six months, including the winter holidays, in Okinawa, Japan, with the First Battalion, Second Marines, training as part of the unit deployment program.


Wanda Humphrey '92S (MBA), a manufacturing materials manager at Xerox Corp., was named as one of the Rochester Business Journal's "40 Under 40" award winners for her superior performance on the job and in the community. . . . Lauren Inker e-mails: "After George Liu's note I felt that if he found time to write, I could, too. My two biggest distractions are my children, Sam, 7, and Margo, 3. When I am not taking care of my kids, I work as a lawyer for the (Massachusetts) Secretary of State's office. I am on the religious school committee at my synagogue and I try to go to aerobics three days a week. My husband and I take turns volunteering to chaperone school field trips. I also take a Hebrew class on Sunday mornings, but there is no homework!" . . . Bernadine Munley was appointed to a five-year term with the Delaware River Port Authority. She is a partner with Rawle & Henderson, a law firm founded in 1783, with offices in Philadelphia, New Jersey, and New York. . . . Wendy Hauler Pinkham reports that she had an eventful 1999: A third son, Nicholas, was born May 18, joining big brothers Charles, 5, and Christopher, 3. While on maternity leave, Wendy writes that she learned she had passed the board exams for her specialty (orthopedic specialist for physical therapy) and that upon her return to work, she was promoted to lieutenant commander. She adds that the Navy is moving her family to Rota, Spain, for three years in June and signs off that "all is well!" . . . Karen Kaplan Weissman '86W (Mas) writes that she and her husband, Michael, had their first child. Their son, Tyler Andrew, was born on November 16. Karen is a senior personal banking and investment representative. The family lives in Centerville, Ohio.


OCTOBER 12-15, 2000

Lisa Buscaglia writes that she, her husband, Brad, and their children, Cait and Alex, were expecting a new addition to the family in February. The family lives in Williamsville, N.Y. . . . Renee Goldberg and Paul Greenberg e-mail an announcement of the birth of their second child, Simone, who turns 1 in April. Simone has a big brother, Jake, 3. . . . Gini Hampton and her husband, Barry Wiseman, write to announce the birth of their son, Benjamin Paul, born on October 10. "I also received my Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania," Gini notes. . . . Kathryn Kriese e-mails that she now works for RSA Security, a data encryption software company. She notes: "This is the first time since 1991 that a job change did not coincide with a relocation since I enjoy the Bay Area--just don't get me started on the housing prices!". . . James Leonard writes: "'Hey now, Hey now, Aiko, Aiko all day.' I am putting my Rochester engineering education to good use preserving the earth. Summer 1999 found me in Colorado on the organizing committee for the 1999 Earth First Round River Voyage. Summer 2000 we head to Tennessee to do it all over again. 'Got to get back to Tennessee' ". . . . Wade and Lisa Hardy Norwood '86, '95W (MS) send an update: Wade finishes the third year of a four-year term as an at-large member of the Rochester City Council this year. Lisa was promoted to assistant dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences in January. She continues to help advise students but is more involved in policy, and she hopes to do outreach to local high schools to attract more minority students to engineering. They continue to be busy at home with three children. . . . Gregory Parrinello '87S (MBA), a senior tax manager for PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, was named as one of the Rochester Business Journal's "40 Under 40" award winners for his superior performance on the job and in the community. . . . Stuart Siedman was awarded a fully paid one-year sabbatical from his job at Xerox Corp. in Boston to raise medical research funding through the Children's Medical Research Foundation for a rare, incurable neuro-genetic childhood disease that shortens a child's life expectancy to just 10-15 years. Siedman's son, Benjamin, suffers from the disease, known as Sanfilippo Syndrome. Xerox granted Siedman the leave as part of its Social Service Leave Program. . . . Bill and Lury Domingo Snyder write that they have moved to Washington State. After completing a tour as the Navy's DC-9 pilot evaluator in Ft. Worth, Tex., Bill is now the officer in charge of VR-61, which is a DC-9 squadron at the naval air station at Whidbey Island. Lury has been appointed to the board of the Oak Harbor School District's Home Connections. . . . Forrest Strauss e-mails that he and his wife, Karen, have a new daughter. Ariana Michele joins big brother Ian. Forrest notes: "Karen had no drugs whatsoever, proving that the last time, when she delivered a 9.5 lb. football with no painkillers, it was NOT a fluke! Yes, I AM scared of my wife (read as: 'I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!')." He adds: "This is the stuff that life is all about, and Karen, Ian, Ariana, and I couldn't be happier as a family." . . . John Tallman e-mails that after serving as a submarine officer in the Navy, and working as a chemical engineer for a few years, he decided he "needed more punishment," so he rejoined the Navy and went to medical school. He is an anesthesiology resident at the Bethesda Naval Hospital. John, his wife, Sharon, and their five children live in Kensington, Md. . . . Romy Toussaint and John Annand send an update on their life in Lawrence, N.J.: John works for U.S. Mortgage, serves as Cub Master for Pack 27, and is working to "bring back to life his old Sabre V-45 motorcycle, which took a spill a few years ago." Romy was at home with 21-month-old Henry during 1999, and she teaches several aerobics classes a day. The family also includes sons Phillip and Colin. . . . Peter Wehrle '86S (MBA) e-mails that he was ordained as a priest for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark, N.J., on May 29, 1999. . . . Nancy DeKimpe Wilson and her husband, Keith, write to announce the birth of their third child, David Garrett, on April 26, 1999. They write that his big brother, Daniel, and sister, Annalee, "think he is great!" The family has two other additions, two cats they adopted from the SPCA, Samantha and Pumpkin. Keith works at the Army Research Lab and Nancy keeps busy with the kids, nursery school, and church. The family lives in Crofton, Md.


Anthony Bianchi, the football coach for Webster (N.Y.) High School, led his team to an undefeated, 13-0 season. . . . Christopher Daley-Watson has joined the Seattle law firm of Perkins Coie, LLP, as a partner specializing in patent prosecution . . . . Anthony DiNitto married Joann VanSavage on May 22, 1999, in Rochester. Anthony is a partner in the law firm of Faraci and Lange in Rochester. . . . Geoffrey Gold and his wife, Stephanie Heather, e-mail that their second son, Ryan Solomon, was born on November 18. He joins big brother, Jacob Eli. Geoffrey has been a partner at Rutter, Hobbs, and Davidoff in Century City, Calif., for five years, specializing in business litigation. . . . Diane Morey Hoppenstein e-mails that she lives in Florida and has two sons, Robert, 4, and Evan, 1. . . . Toni Minnick and Mark Kreib '87 e-mail that they have moved again and are now settled in Virginia Beach along with sons Joshua, 8, and Zachary, 5. They left Ottawa, Canada, where Mark, still in the Navy, completed an exchange tour at the Canadian National Defense Headquarters in October. He is an intelligence officer on board the USS Enterprise. Toni sends along congratulations to Lorraine Loiacono and Lorna Cialdella '90S (MBA) who recently announced their engagements. During their travels, the Kreibs visited Joel and Terry Grimm '85N and their three children in the Boston area. Toni also heard from Mary Webb and Rob Kapner who now reside in Leysin, Switzerland, where they celebrated the birth of their second daughter last year. "Other news came from Nan Shanks Olson and her husband, Carl, who have moved south to the Big Easy and also welcomed a daughter, who joined them and their two sons in the past year," the couple writes. "Suzanne LaFlair, where are you?" . . . Lisa Hardy Norwood '95W (MS) (see '85). . . . Dan Ollendorf and Carolyn Conte write that they welcomed their son, Matthew, on December 17. He joins big brother, Alex, 4. Dan is a health-economics consultant at Policy Analysis, Inc. Carolyn plans to go back to her job as research coordinator for Boston University's Slone Epidemiology Unit in April. . . . Matthew '90M (MD) and Jane Hutchins Radack report that their third child, Chet Jacob, was born on June 25. . . . Jeffrey Rhodes '91M (MD) has been appointed to the department of surgery, division of vascular surgery, at Strong Memorial Hospital. He comes to Rochester from the Mayo Clinic, where he recently completed a residency in vascular surgery.


Mark Kreib (see '86). . . . Daniel Krill '90 (MS) e-mails that he and his wife, Fannie Ronit Schapiro '90M (MD), their 2-year-old twins, Ilana and Joshua, and their two family dogs, Cody and Travis, have moved from Dallas to Rochester to be nearer to family and friends. Fannie, a pediatric anesthesiologist, is on staff at Strong Memorial Hospital. Daniel works for the atmospheric optics group at Eastman Kodak Co. . . . Charles '96S (MBA) and Pamela Barrett Spiteri '99S (MBA) report that they have a new son, Calvin Barrett Spiteri, born on December 30, 1999. . . . Evan Vapnek e-mails that he and his wife, Gillian, announce the birth of their daughter, Claire Amelia, on September 13, 1999. Evan is practicing urology and transplant surgery in San Diego.


Gordon Berger writes: "I am alive and well in Roswell, Ga." He reports that he wrote the script to a CD-ROM on employment law that was published by Knowles Publishing and that he has his own law practice representing management in corporate, labor, and employment law matters. His son, Bryan, is 2. . . .
Caruana wedding
Caruana wedding

Carmen Caruana married Richard Eldridge on May 29, 1999. Their wedding was attended by many Rochester graduates. See accompanying photo: (left to right) Marjorie Gursky, Jen LeBaron, Kristin Sciortino, Liz Straut Cook, Aimee Maxwell Parenti, Nick Parenti '86, the bride, John O'Connor, and Kristina King O'Connor '89. Carmen and Rich both work for the Department of Defense in Washington, D.C., and they live in Alexandria, Va. . . . John '89, '94M (MS) and Lorri Kahn Diggory along with their son, Jordan, announce the adoption of their new family member, Ariana Rachel, born on September 24. They write: "She was worth the wait and old friends who pass through Rochester are welcome to stop by and meet her!" . . .

Gail Miciuda was appointed director for mirror operations at Lear Corp.'s Ford Automotive Division. . . . David Robson e-mails that he is director of operations and development for a medical devices start-up company in Rhode Island. He and his wife, Deryl, announce the birth of their first child, Elena Champagne, in July. . . . Jill Sotsky writes that she is still teaching earth science in New Jersey and that she and her husband, Rick, have a new addition to their family, Alexandra, born July 30, 1999. . . . Brian Sweeney reports that he left the Marine Corps this year and moved near Hartford, Conn., where he now works as the enterprise information architect for GE Industrial Systems. He and his wife, Lynn, have three daughters ages 4, 5, and 11/2. "If you are in the area, give us a call (860-747-7350). We'd love to hear from you." . . . Brent Wahba was inducted into Delphi Automotive Systems' Innovation Hall of Fame. . . . Laurie Wein was made a partner at KPMG, LLP, in Boston. She provides electronic commerce consulting services to clients in the financial services industry.


Michael Allen and his wife, Debbie, write that they welcomed their son, Benjamin Todd, on October 3. He weighed in at 8 lbs., 5 oz. and was 20 inches long. The Allens report that all is well. . . . Jim Boushie writes that he and Pamela Poklemba were married on September 12, 1999. The newlyweds live in Guilford, Conn. Jim has recently accepted a new position with Codman (Johnson & Johnson) as a neurospecialist selling neurosurgical implants. . . .

Douglas and Joan Fischer Gerhardt write that they had their first son, Mitchell Isaac, in July. The family recently visited fellow grad, Sue Barker Moran and her family (husband, Lee; son, Jeffrey; and twin daughters, Megan and Molly) in Corning, N.Y., while they were in town for the Wineglass Marathon. Doug notes that he ran the marathon (3:36) while the kids cheered him on. The Gerhardts live in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. The photo shows (left to right) Joan holding Mitchell, Doug behind Jeffrey, and Sue holding Megan and Molly. . . . Jackie Quirk Kelly sends an update: She and her husband, Kevin, welcomed a new son, Conor, in October. He joins older brother, Owen. The family has moved to Washington, D.C., leaving San Francisco in July, to be closer to family. . . . Michael McHale married Kathleen Graber in Buffalo, N.Y. . . . Kathleen Mulryan '93 (MS) and Richard Mauro have planned a May 27 wedding in Rochester. She is a manager at the Rite Aid Pharmacy and he manages Bill Gray's Restaurant, both in downtown Rochester. . . . Kristin Rush Palmer writes that she and her husband, Jamie, announce the birth of their daughter, Megan Leigh, born on January 9. "Hello to everyone," they say. . . . Todd Rosseau was appointed director of information technology at Parlex Corp., a manufacturing company located in Methuen, Mass. . . .Vivyan Golbois Weinman e-mails that she and her husband, Tzvi, have a new addition to their family. Rivka Chana was born on August 30, 1999. She joins her older sister, Maita, and brother, Simcha.

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