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In Review

Articulating Rochester’s Values

Since stepping into the role of president this winter, Richard Feldman has emphasized efforts to better articulate the University community’s values of respect and commitment to inclusion and diversity.

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Those values have been outlined in a proposed new Vision and Values statement—found online at Designed to communicate the University’s shared goals and principles, the proposed statement was drafted this spring by a committee of faculty, students, and staff and will be presented for consideration by the Board of Trustees.

The statement is one of several initiatives under way since January, when former federal prosecutor Mary Jo White released the results of her independent investigation of the University’s policies and processes surrounding an allegation of sexual misconduct by a faculty member. (See “Setting a High Bar,” January–February.)

Feldman says that the community’s underlying sense of respect for one another and belief in the value of working together remain sources of Rochester’s strength—and success—as an institution.

“Meaningful culture change will take time and effort. But we will do all that’s necessary to foster a University community in which every member feels valued and everyone has an opportunity to thrive,” he says. “The actions we take and the progress we make must be the result of collaboration and discussion. I look forward to continuing these discussions, not only about the specific recommendations in the White report but also about how to reinvigorate our campus climate, celebrate our diversity, and recognize our excellence.”

Feldman has launched a series of communications called “Words from Wallis Hall.” You can find the addresses at