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In Review

UPDATES‘Beyond Recommendations’

The University has made significant progress on each of the recommendations made by an independent investigation that examined Rochester’s policies and procedures surrounding sexual misconduct.

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In an update to the University community in early April, President Richard Feldman noted that in evaluating the recommendations made by former federal prosecutor Mary Jo White, the University chose to broaden its response to address a more comprehensive set of issues related to diversity, respect, and inclusion. “In many cases the University’s response will go well beyond the recommendations made in the White report,” he said.

The culmination of a semester-long review led by White, the recommendations were released in January (see “Setting a High Bar,” January–February). White was asked by a committee of the Board of Trustees to review the University’s response to allegations of sexual misconduct by a faculty member.

One of the steps taken by the University has been the creation of a website, “Rochester’s Culture of Respect,” at, where the April updates—along with updates on several other initiatives designed to highlight Rochester’s commitment to a culture of respect and inclusion—can be found.

The April update included work by a newly established University Diversity and Equity Council, the Faculty Senate and its committees, the Commission on Women and Gender Equity in Academia, the Students’ Association Task Force to Review Sexual Misconduct Policy, and many others.