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Fall 2000
Vol. 63, No. 1

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Jill Winter Bauer '97 e-mails: "Has anyone else noticed a familiar face on the Weather Channel? Our own John Scala is one of their severe-weather experts and you can see him on-air regularly during the day when severe weather threatens. I live in the Chicagoland area, where our children have tornado drills at school. It is great to know that John is there watching out for us!". . . David Collins, the team radio voice and public relations director for the Bowie Baysox, the Orioles' Class AA affiliate, was profiled in the May 4 edition of The Washington Post. . . . Steven Goldman reports that he is a part-time actuary and part-time freelance sports writer. One of his beats is coverage of the Cleveland Indians for the Ashtabula Star Beacon. He writes that he regrets having lost touch with his friends from his days in Rochester and would love to hear from them at . . . Sam Narotsky '86S (MBA) e-mails that he is a finance manager at Johnson & Johnson Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics in Rochester.


OCTOBER 12-14, 2001

Our apologies to Christopher Conlin, whose military rank was misreported in the Spring-Summer issue. Conlin is a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps.


Anne Eisenberg is an assistant professor of sociology at SUNY College at Geneseo, near Rochester. She e-mails that she has caught up with some people and would love to hear from others.
. . . Marjorie Little and her husband, Richard Dupuis, Jr., e-mail to announce the adoption of their first child, daughter Lillian Jingyi, on January 11, in Yueyang City, Hunan, China. Lilly was born on April 14, 1999. Marjorie adds that she has resigned from her position as senior director of product systems for the Institute for Scientific Information in Philadelphia in order to be Lilly's primary caregiver for the next year or so. . . . Randy Sue Kornfeld Marber has been appointed principal law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Allan Winick in Nassau County, N.Y. . . . Juan Peñalver (see '82 Nursing). . . . James Shur e-mails that he is one of the authors of a new book published by Cambridge University Press called The Elements of Java Style. The book is a collection of standards and guidelines for creating high-quality Java code that will be easy to understand, maintain, and enhance.


Wende Reenstra Buras e-mails: "Lots of news! Our son, Max Anthony, was born on April 11. He is our first. I am finally graduating from Boston School of Medicine and starting a position as a faculty member of Harvard University as well as assistant director of research at the department of emergency medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. We are heading to Cozumel on vacation with Rochester alumnus Michael Recny '79 and his wife, Cate Sullivan.". . . Steve Fan has been named chief technology officer of, a computerized marketplace for the construction industry. . . . George Nassis '86W (Mas) writes that he has started his own company, Neo/Sci, that develops and manufactures science education software, kits, and other science teaching materials. His recent publications include Biotechnology Projects for Young Scientists, which he co-authored with Kenneth Rainis. George writes: "I'd love to hear from any of the friends that I made during my years at Rochester. Please e-mail me at" . . . Mariko Sakita-Mozeson (see Alumni Gazette, Cyber Showplace). . . . Robert Swartout '92S (MBA) is a portfolio manager at Cobblestone Capital Advisors of Brighton, N.Y.


Noah Beerman has been named vice president of business development at Phylos, Inc., a Lexington, Mass.-based biotechnology company. . . . Andrew Berdon writes that with the arrival of daughter, Alexandra, in May 1999, he and his wife, Randi, and their son, Matthew, 4, moved to suburban Edgemont, N.Y. . . . Stefan Chevalier writes: "Nothing like being your own boss." He reports that in February 2000 he started his own private practice in plastic surgery in Middletown, N.Y. He has two children, Christian, 2, and Katarina, who has started crawling. The family had a vacation in Germany planned for May. . . . Richard Hark sends an update: He earned a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania and is currently an associate professor of chemistry at Marietta College, a small liberal arts college in southeastern Ohio. His research interests are in forensic chemistry and the synthesis of antibiotics. Additionally, he serves as a bishop in the LDS Church in Marietta. He is married to Memory Siebach (formerly of Rochester) and they have five children. . . . Eric Moss married Margaret von Mehren on May 13 in Wyncote, Pa. He is an adjunct assistant professor of biology at the University of Pennsylvania. . . . Felix Stukalin has been named vice president for components at GSI Lumonics, Inc., a Kanata, Ontario, Canada, company that provides products and services for laser-based automated manufacturing systems.


Michael Lyle, director of the office of administration in the White House, says, "[This job] was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It's an honor to serve in government and serve on the highest level," according to a profile of him and his work in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle in May. Lyle and his wife, Susan, and their son, Tyler, live in Chevy Chase, Md. . . . Mark Russo '87 (MS) e-mails an update: He is married to Mary Ellen Neubauer '89. They have a son, Anthony, born in January 1996, and a second son was due in July 2000. The family lives in College Park, Md., in the home they built in 1999. Mark works as program manager for the National Urban Search and Rescue Response System at the Federal Emergency Management Agency in Washington, D.C., where he has worked since 1994.


OCTOBER 12-14, 2001

Keith Andruschak married Susan Strauss on June 3, 2000, in New York City. Keith is an associate at the law firm Clifford Chance Rogers & Wells in New York City.
. . . Dan and Maxine Fass Berg e-mail to announce the birth of their son, Cameron Hollis Berg, on November 20. He joins his sisters, Amanda, 6, and Nicole, 4, in Wilton, Conn., where the family has lived for seven years. Dan recently co-founded an e-commerce venture called Centra. They write: "While Dan operates on 'Internet time,' Maxine is enjoying the role of stay-at-home mom. E-mail us at:" . . . Michael Cassidy writes that he finished graduate school in June 1999 (having sold his 1965 Mustang and motorcycle for tuition money along the way) and he and Paula Pagano are now living in Glastonbury, Conn. Paula works with hearing-impaired students in a nearby school system and Michael does merger and acquisition work for United Technologies. He adds: "We are happy to report a contentment that could only be improved with a visit by dear friends. We have room for you and would love to have your company. There is a golf course and state forest in walking distance. Give us a call!" . . . Beth Dunn Cook e-mails that she is living in northern California with her husband, Michael, and their two kids, Jason, 9, and Halle, 3. She adds: "Believe it or not, I am now the principal of the Nevada County Jewish Community Center Religious School. Anyone from the classes of '82-'86 in the area?". . . Paul Milkman has been named EDS global information security officer for Xerox Corp. . . . Eric Steinberg e-mails that he has started a new job as vice president for research at CBS Television Network.


William Mihalko sends an update: "I received a master's, an M.D., and a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from the Medical College of Virginia at the Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. Since completing an orthopedic surgery residency at SUNY Buffalo in 1999, I've had a fellowship in adult reconstructive surgery in St. Louis, Mo. This summer I will start my own practice in Syracuse, N.Y., where I will also have an affiliate faculty position in the department of bioengineering and neuroscience at Syracuse University. In 1994 I married Lori Giles from Pittsburgh, and we now have three children: Robby, 3; Rachel, 2; and Matthew, who was born on March 23, 2000. . . . Ace Mailing Services, the Rochester company specializing in direct mail jobs for smaller clients and jobs, run by Marc Siwiec and his business partner Sue Cowell, was profiled in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle in April. . . . Carol Thurer and Steven Wolk were married in Roslyn, N.Y., on December 18, 1999. Carol is a litigation associate at RubinBaum, a New York law firm.


Karen Elliott has joined the political science department at Rochester as an adjunct professor, teaching criminal procedure and constitutional principles. She also practices law with the firm of Elliott, Stern & Calabrese, LLP, in Rochester. . . . Derrick Hutchinson e-mails that he is a lieutenant commander in the Navy. In March, he was stationed in Hawaii with the Commander-in-Chief Pacific Fleet. . . . Michael Lehrberger (see '89 undergraduate). . . . Mindi Barth Maline e-mails that her second son, Miles, was born on August 20, 1999.


Michael '88 and Paula Birnbaum Lehrberger write to announce the birth of their second son, Benjamin Morgan, born January 20, 2000. They write that his big brother, Joshua, is showing him the ropes. They also say, "Congrats to Anita and Alan, as well as to Dan '88 and Cheryl on the birth of their little boys, too." . . . Ronald Pratt '94 (PhD) has been promoted to director of technology and quality for IEC Electronics Corp., a Newark, N.Y.-based contract manufacturer with facilities in Edinburg, Tex., and Reynosa, Mexico. . . . David Townes reports that he is moving back to Chicago to join the faculty in the department of emergency medicine at the University of Illinois, where he will be director of the Office of Expedition Medicine. . . . Vivyan Golbois Weinman e-mails that she and her husband had their third child, Rivka Chana, born on August 30, 1999. Rivka joins her sister, Maita Esther, 5, and her brother, Simcha Dovid, 4. The family lives on Long Island. . . . Melissa DeCelle Wilcox e-mails that she is president of MarketWorks, a marketing, training, and strategic planning consulting firm. . . . Mark Zaid, an attorney with the Washington, D.C., law firm of Lobel, Novins & Lamont, has been involved in several high-profile cases this year. An attorney for some of the families of the victims of the 1988 bombing of Pan Am 103, Zaid told the Associated Press that his clients are still waiting to collect $20 billion in damages from Libya, one of several multimillion-dollar judgments that victims of terrorism have won against foreign governments. He said the families "are still fighting the U.S. government" even after Libya was found liable in U.S. courts for the bombing. Zaid also has been a lead lawyer in a seven-person lawsuit challenging requirements that applicants for jobs at the Secret Service, FBI, and Drug Enforcement Agency must pass lie-detector tests before they can be hired. He told the Washington Post that he thinks hundreds of applicants may have been rejected because of false results from polygraphs, which he called "voodoo science." And in March, Zaid represented the Web-based news organization in its successful suit to win the right to publish financial disclosure statements of federal judges.

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