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Doctoral Internship Evaluation

Formative evaluation of professionals in training in our training program takes place in four major ways. First, the most intensive and continuing evaluation is done on a daily and weekly basis by individual supervisors as part of the supervisory experience.

Second, on a biweekly basis supervisors discuss the progress of each trainee at a supervisors’ meeting. This includes comments from individual supervisors and staff observations of trainees at weekly clinical meetings and in daily interactions. The designated primary supervisor shares with the trainee feedback generated by these meetings.

Lastly, supervisors complete the UCC Psychology Trainee Competency Assessment Form for each doctoral intern they supervise in December and at the end of their training year. A summary of these assessments are sent to the doctoral interns’ graduate programs to provide their home departments written feedback about the trainee’s progress.

By the end of the training year, each intern is expected to amass at least 2000 hours, with at least 500 of those hours being clinical work. To successfully pass internship, each intern is also expected to reach a ‘graduating intern, early postdoc’ level of competency in all areas as measured on the UCC Psychology Trainee Competency Assessment Form.

In the unusual event that any psychology intern is not progressing as expected at any point in the year in any competency area, the committee on training will review their performance and develop recommendations, in consultation with the intern, to help the intern optimize the possibility of success.

In addition, all major-time trainees meet as a group on a biweekly basis in order to develop feedback for each supervisor to provide either verbally, via a representative in Directors of Training (DOT) meeting, or to help inform their own perspective as they complete bi-annual supervisor evals or feedback to the Director of Training, the Director, or another Training Coordinator. Each supervisor shares their feedback from supervisees with other supervisors. This allows the professionals in training to help supervisors enhance their own skills and stay accountable. DOT is a monthly meeting to discuss or air any grievance, make suggestions, and reflect on their training experience. At the end of the internship year, interns engage in a formal evaluation of the overall internship program.

Grievance and Due Process

The University Counseling Center has established a grievance procedure designed to provide a format for any training professional, to pursue the resolution of a problem or complaint.  These steps follow the U of R Human Resources guidelines, and are outlined in the UCC Training Manual given to interns in the first week of their training experience.

University Counseling Center has established a system for Due Process — documented steps for the provision of evaluation notice, hearing, and appeal for doctoral psychology interns. These procedures are noted in the UCC Training Manual.

More information on these and other policies and procedures for the UCC training programs may be obtained by contacting the Director of Training.

Doctoral Internship in Psychology

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