
SEM/FIB Microscope

SEM/FIB Microscope


Zeiss Auriga Scanning Electron Microscope/Focused Ion Beam Tool


This tool is a high resolution field emission microscope as a well as a lithographic tool using either electrons or Ga+ ions.  Sample manipulation is done with a Kleindiek 3-axis probe and Pt deposition is possible using Pt-organic gas injection.


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  • Schottky field emission emitter.
  • 1 nm resolution in SE mode.
  • Four quadrant BSE detector.
  • Gas injection system.
  • Micromanipulator.
  • Up to 30kV Ga+ ion beam.
  • Pattern generation systems from both Nabity (NPGS) and Fibics (NPVE).
  • EDAX x-ray spectrometer system with mapping capability.


On-line Manual:


SEM systems use charged particles (electrons) to image samples in a vacuum environment.  A series of magnetic lenses focuses the electrons to a small point that is scanned, raster fashion.  Either reflected (backscattered) electrons or secondary electrons are used to image local variations in samples.  X-rays are also generated that are characteristic of the elements present in the sample.  Thus, high resolution imaging can be combined with chemical identification.  Adding a coincident ion beam column to the system enhances the capabilities to include nano-machining and subsurface analysis.