
Spin Rinse Dryer

Spin Rinse Dryer


Semitool Spin Rinse Dryer


  • 4" Wafer, or other circular substrate.
  • 6" Substrate cleaning available soon.
  • Up to 25 wafers per run.
  • Process time ~ 6 minutes. 
  • One button operation.


For UR users

For nonUR users

Calendar for Reservations:

PPMS Scheduler

This tool provides chemical free substrate cleaning using a DI water rinse and spin-dry in an inert Nitrogen environment. A single cassette of wafers is placed in a stainless steel rotor. The wafers are centered just off the axis of rotation, and rotated at high RPMs so that centrifugal force "locks" the wafers in place to prevent tumbling and subsequent particle generation.