
Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope

Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope


FEI Tecnai F20 G2 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (S)TEM


This tool is a high resolution field emission microscope that allows sub-nanometer (nearly atomic scale) resolution on thin samples. STEM mode facilitates nanometer scale compositional mapping using EDAX xray spectrometer functions.


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  • Schottky field emission emitter.
  • 200KV accelerating voltage.
  • ~0.14nm resolution in TEM mode.
  • bottom mounted Gatan camera system for digital image capture. STEM mode functions.
  • EDAX xray spectrometer system with mapping capability.


On-line Manual:


TEM systems use high energy charged particles (electrons) to image samples in a vacuum environment.  A series of magnetic lenses focuses the electrons either to a small point that is scanned or to a collimated beam.  Transmitted electrons are used to image local variations in samples.  Xrays are also generated that are characteristic of the elements present in the sample.  Thus, high resolution imaging can be combined with chemical identification.

Gold imaging
(High resolution imaging, like this, can be combined with...)
Chemical identification
(...chemical identification, like this.)