Page 16 - 2021 Holiday Gift Guide | University of Rochester
P. 16

MindfulMatters585, LLC

               Laura Gavigan ’08W (MS), ’15W (MS), Rochester New York

                                          IG: @mindfulmatters585

       About MindfulMatters585, LLC
       We offer regular mindful meditation classes (basic and advanced) and

       mindful wellness programs (virtual and in-person). Our guided meditations,

       classes, coaching, therapy, and retreats provide the insight and skills to

       understand, manage, and thrive mentally and physically. We can craft a
       unique program for you! Check out our 4-session Mindful Meditation Basics

       class offered on a monthly basis.

       Use promo code “UR2021” for 10% off any Mindful Skills class.

                                                                                     S HO P  UR
                                                                         HO L I DAY   G I F T  G UI DE
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21