Page 13 - BUZZ Magazine - Issue No. 1 Spring 2021 | University of Rochester
P. 13

“    Classical music is for everyone,

                                             and so is the music created
                                             by BIPOC composers. In order

                                             to elevate it, more people

        music is for everyone, and so        need to be aware of it,
        is the music created by BIPOC        perform these works, and
        composers,” he adds. “In order       advocate and showcase these
        to elevate it, more people                                                      “
        need to be aware of it, perform      pieces and their composers.
        these works, and advocate and
        showcase these pieces and            TRAVON WALKER ’21E
        their composers.”

        The project officially launches   Webster school districts.    Walker has rallied a lot of
        in early 2021. That’s when    That’s just the beginning,    support, too. At first, the
        Walker and a group of 20      though. Walker plans to bring   Friends of Eastman Opera
        fellow Eastman students—both   the program to Rochester     came on board and provided
        BIPOC and white—will bring    City School District, which   some seed funding. Then,
        this music to students in the   has a high population of    Walker met with Eastman
        Irondequoit, Penfield, and    BIPOC students, and he wants   administrators and together
                                      to expand it to even more     they developed this into a
                                      suburban schools, which have   crowdfunding project.
                                      more white students.
                                                                   “In the first month, we raised
                                      When the world erupted        more than half of our initial
                                      last year with issues of civil   $5,000 goal,” Walker says.
                                      unrest, social injustice, and   “Now we are continuing to
                                      racial divide, Walker felt    fundraise so we can expand
                                      compelled to bring this       the program.” Walker will
                                      project—which he first        use crowdfunding resources
                                      developed in an arts leadership   to cover costs for music,
                                      class—to life. “I wanted to do   recording equipment, and
                                      something to make life better   more, including salaries for
                                      for more people through       the project team’s student
                                      music,” he says.              musicians.

                                                                    READ THE FULL STORY
                                      Travon Walker ’21E rehearses with
                                      composer Ricky Ian Gordon for a Tibetan
                                      Book of the Dead performance at the
                                      Eastman School of Music in 2018.

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