Page 10 - BUZZ Magazine - Issue No. 1 Spring 2021 | University of Rochester
P. 10

        THE FIRST

                        “    I want to provide the kind of support

                                 that was so freely given to me,

                                     including career advice,

                            decision-making insight, and valuable

                                   networking opportunities.            “

                                             SEAN BA JWA ’18

                   Bajwa is now an associate at Fortress Investment Group, a private
                   equity firm based in New York City. Although he’s only two years out of
                   college, he’s keen to pay it forward as a mentor.

                  “I want to provide the kind of support that was so freely given to me,
                   including career advice, decision-making insight, and valuable networking
                   opportunities,” says Bajwa, who adds that he and Galindo maintained their
                   mentoring relationship even after the program officially ended.

                   After graduating, Galindo took a part-time job with the Emma Bowen
                   Foundation, a not-for-profit that connects diverse student candidates with
                   internship opportunities. She enjoyed the work but wanted to find a full-
                   time position at a tech company, which she did, thanks in part to Bajwa.

                  “Last year, Sean introduced me to a recruiter in his network,” Galindo says.
                  “I did an information interview with her and, a few months later, that person
                   took a position at HubSpot. She then reached out to me and asked me if
                   I’d be interested in a job there, as a remote customer support specialist
                   in Los Angeles.”

                   As it turned out, she was offered that job plus another position at a
                   different tech company. She talked it all through with Bajwa and it was
                   clear HubSpot was the place for her—a decision she is very happy with.
                   Because of her experience with the pilot mentoring program, Galindo
                   signed up to be a mentor in the program’s next cycle. “I want to try and
                   give back what Sean gave to me,” she adds.

                  “Mentoring can start off as a formal relationship, but it often leads to
                   ongoing relationships,” says Michelle Cavalcanti, associate director of
                   career and professional affinity programs with the Office of Alumni and
                   Constituent Engagement. “We’re thrilled with how many want to be a
                   part of this and we are always interested in hearing from more people.
                   Together, we can make a difference and improve outcomes for our
                   students and recent graduates.”

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