Page 5 - BUZZ Magazine - Issue No. 1 Spring 2021 | University of Rochester
P. 5


                March is Women’s History Month, a dedicated time to highlight women
           who have made significant contributions to history and contemporary society.
           These include women such as Loretta Ford ’00 (HNR), Olivia Hooker ’62 (PhD),
               Amy Tait ’85S (MBA), Sylvia Kornberg ’38, ’40M (MS), and others who all
            share Rochester connections. Learn more about their profound impact on our
                 community and around the world.

    “    We have a lot more

             history to make.                      “

        graduated from Rochester—gender pay
        inequity, inadequate childcare and family
        leave, and challenges to ballot access. One
        of the significant issues facing women today
        is still not having a real voice at the table or
        enough voices at the table or any women of
        color at the table. A few of us may be seated
        at the table or on the bench or “be in the room
        where it happens,” but are we heard?

        I believe that as a collective of women, with
        the support of our allies, we can move forward
        and make Susan B. and others like her proud.
        Danica Patrick, a celebrated race car driver,                                              Visionary Women of Rochester | Illustrated by Michael Osadciw |
        once said after a win at Daytona, “we have a
        lot more history to make.” That’s so true, and
        the Women’s Network at Rochester will be
        part of that history.

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