Page 4 - BUZZ Magazine - Issue No. 1 Spring 2021 | University of Rochester
P. 4


         WHO ROC

         A conversation
         with Gail Lione ’71


              ail Lione ’71, a successful lawyer and   first to take a position for the desegregation
         G volunteer leader, is passionate about      of baseball. Keep in mind that this was in
         women’s issues. Lione and her generation     1939. Jackie Robinson didn’t even start
         would become the first in many areas—in      playing for the Brooklyn Dodgers until 1947.
         locker rooms, conference rooms, board
         rooms, and other places. They were inspired   WHAT DOES MENTORSHIP MEAN TO YOU?
         by people like Gloria Steinem, Dorothy Pitman   The wonderful thing about mentoring is
         Hughes, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.             that it is mutual. You learn from each other.
                                                      It’s is about forming and nurturing
         Lione’s career now spans more than           relationships, and it is a foundational aspect
         40 years. For the last four, she has been    of the new Women’s Network. We aim to
         senior counsel for Dentons in Washington,    connect, support, and engage each other
         D.C. She is also a sought-after corporate    in meaningful ways.
         board member, a University of Rochester
         trustee, and cochair, along with Tiffany     WHY DO YOU THINK WOMEN HAVE
         Taylor Smith ’91, of the University’s recently   A LOT MORE HISTORY TO MAKE?
         launched Women’s Network.                    The year 2020 marked a historic milestone—
                                                      the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment.
         WHO IS YOUR GREATEST ROLE MODEL?             Women have come a long way since then,
         My mother, hands down. She was the first     but there’s still work to do. For instance, we
         woman president of her high school’s student   have many of the same equity and access
         body and its debate team, and she was also a   issues that we had in the 1970s when I

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