Page 21 - BUZZ Magazine - Issue No. 1 Spring 2021 | University of Rochester
P. 21


          You don’t need gym equipment. Bodyweight exercises   “    For most of us, it
          are strength-training exercises that use our own weight    takes a consistent
          to provide resistance against gravity, such as squats,    level of ‘just enough’
          push-ups, and planks. Not only do they have a massive     and ‘a little bit more
          impact on strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness,   than yesterday’ to
          they also improve mobility and stability in a way that
          traditional strength training does not. You’ll have a     shape our goals
          stronger core, better balance, and move more smoothly     into reality.
          for everyday life.                                        CAMERON APT

          Do less than you think you should, but do it more often.
          Try doing five or fewer bodyweight exercises each day.    CHECK OUT APT’S 28-DAY
                                                                    HOME WORKOUT SERIES
          Or pick one exercise and do five every hour, on the
          hour, throughout your day—it adds up quickly and you’ll
          build strength without soreness or overstressing your
          body. Each day, add one more rep per hour or increase
          the number of hours. By making small changes and
          consistently applying them in our daily lives, we adapt
          without getting injured and build strength and performance.

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