Page 27 - BUZZ Magazine - Issue No. 3 - Summer 2022 | University of Rochester
P. 27

        RO CHE S TE R
        SUMME R  BB Q
                                       Yellowjacket                    Grilled Tajin

        Back in 2005, University of    Burger                          Vegetables
        Rochester’s Dining Services was
        asked to come up with a signature                               Serves 10
        burger. To go with it, they created   Serves 10
        Mel Sauce, a favorite among many
        alumni. Mel Sauce has since become   10 pre-formed burger patties   1 pound garlic scapes
        a go-to on fries, onions rings,    10 medium-sized romaine leaves  4 red onions, sliced into large wedges
        grilled chicken, and even pizza.    10 pineapple rings         4 red peppers, sliced thick
        Enjoy these recipes courtesy of    2 tablespoons Tajin (or chili lime spice)  4 green peppers, sliced thick
        Chef Eric Merklein.            1 tablespoon vegetable oil      4 yellow peppers, sliced thick
                                       1 1/2 cups of Mel Sauce         3 zucchini, sliced into
                                       10 brioche burger rolls            medium-sized rounds
                                       2 jalapenos, de-seeded and      4 yellow squash, sliced into
                                          sliced into thin rings          medium-sized rounds
                                       10 slices of cheddar cheese     1 pound button mushrooms,
                                       Salt and pepper to taste        cleaned and quartered
                                                                       1 1/2 cups feta cheese
                                       TURN GRILL TO HIGH and close lid.   1/2 cup scallions, sliced
                                       Heat it for 10 to 15 minutes or until    1 cup olive oil
                                       the internal temperature reaches    3 tablespoons Tajin (or chili lime spice)
                                       500 degrees. Reduce the heat to   1 1/2 tablespoons salt
                                       medium and keep lid closed.     3/4 teaspoon cracked pepper
                                                                       2 pinches salt
                                       SEASON burgers well with        2 cups Mel Sauce
                                       salt and pepper.
                                                                       TURN GRILL TO HIGH and close
                                       DRIZZLE pineapple rings with oil, salt,   lid. Heat it for 10 to 15 minutes or until
                                       pepper, and Tajin. Place the pineapple   the internal temperature reaches
                                       rings onto grill and get some good marks   500 degrees. Reduce the heat to
        Mel                            on each side (about 2 minutes per side).   medium and keep lid closed. If you
                                       When done, set aside.
                                                                       want to use vegetable baskets, place
        Sauce                          PLACE brioche rolls on grill. These will   them on the grill while it preheats.
        Serves 32 l 1 fluid ounce per serving  burn quickly, so just get some marks   PLACE all the prepared vegetables
                                       on them (1-2 minutes). When done, set   in a large bowl. Drizzle with oil and
        1 quart mayonnaise             aside.                          Tajin. Toss thoroughly so oil and spice
        3/4 teaspoon kosher salt                                       are evenly distributed.
        2 1/2 tablespoons brown sugar   PLACE burgers on grill and shut the lid.
        1/2 can chipotle peppers in adobo sauce  Cook the first side for 3-4 minutes.    PLACE vegetables directly on grill
        1 tablespoon cider vinegar     Flip burgers, shut lid, and cook for    or in baskets. Shut grill lid and cook
        1 tablespoon smoked paprika    2 more minutes.                 for 5-7 minutes.
        2 tablespoons dark chili powder  OPEN LID and place one pineapple ring   OPEN GRILL LID and stir
        1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin   on each burger, 4 jalapeno rings, and one   vegetables (they should be getting
        1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper    slice of cheese. Shut lid again and cook   charred and soft). Taste to check for
                                       for 2-3 more minutes or until cheese is   doneness. If too raw or not charred
        COMBINE all ingredients.       nice and melted. Remove from grill and   enough, close and cook for a few
        Whisk until well-blended.      let rest for 3 minutes.         more minutes.
        Cover and keep chilled until use.
                                       ASSEMBLE BURGERS AND ENJOY!     REMOVE vegetables from grill
                                                                       and place in bowl. Crumble feta
                                                                       onto vegetables and add scallions.
                                                                       Toss everything together then place
                                                                       on a serving platter. Add salt to
                                                                       taste. Drizzle Mel Sauce onto the
         SAVE THIS RECIPE CARD!                                        vegetables and feta.
         Fold and tear along the dotted line.

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