Page 8 - BUZZ Magazine - Issue No. 3 - Summer 2022 | University of Rochester
P. 8



        Emma Rainwater ’11

        and Naomi Salama ’08

        These farmers and life partners talk about
        creativity, sustainability, and seasonal wisdom.

            mma Rainwater ’11 and     Seasonal wisdom              Rainwater and Salama believe
        E Naomi Salama ’08 run        During the planting and      in seasonal wisdom. This means
         Rainwater Farms in Honeoye   harvesting season, each day   creating healthy food on healthy
         Falls, N.Y., a small farm where   begins with a walk. “A 20-minute   soil for a healthy community. It
         they grow fruits and vegetables   walk gives me time to notice the   also means being aware of and
        and make wood crafts from     weeds that need tending, bugs   doing what they can to lessen
         materials on their land. The   that are about to take over a crop,  their ecological impact.
        couple lives there with their two-  plants that need special attention,
         year-old daughter, Norah, a flock   and equipment that needs fixing,”   For instance, they use push-
        of chickens, a rooster named   says Rainwater, who dedicates   behind cultivators and rely on
         Rex, two dogs named Barley   100 percent of her time to the   a tractor for moving compost
        and Crook, and an array of deer,   farm. Salama is a house-call   and growing their vegetables in
         rabbits, and other visitors from   veterinarian during the day and    permanent, raised beds. They
         the neighboring woods.       a farmer during her off-hours.   also use their fields in rotation,

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