Page 9 - BUZZ Magazine - Issue No. 3 - Summer 2022 | University of Rochester
P. 9

allowing beds to go fallow, a
         practice that restores the beds'
         fertility and healthy microbes.
        The couple has earned Certified
         Naturally Grown farm status,
         too, a recognition given by
         peer farms that endorses their
        commitment to conscious,
         sustainable practices.
        The early days
        Salama grew up with a healthy
         respect for her mother's
         vegetable patch, helping to
         harvest fresh tomatoes and
        zucchini by the bushel and
        distributing the excess throughout
         the neighborhood.

         Rainwater’s father loved
        gardening—a passion she
        discovered later as part
        of Rochester’s Center for
        Community Engagement. That’s
         when she became involved with
         the Westside Farmers Market.
        She also worked on a farm for
         two years when she was an
        AmeriCorps volunteer.

         College roots
        As a first-year student, Salama
         founded the Sledgehammers,
         Rochester’s first women’s rugby
         team. Rainwater′s close friends
         joined the team, and she and
        Salama hung out as friends in
        Anderson, in the unofficial "rugby
         suite." After graduation, they
         reconnected and started dating.

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