Page 11 - BUZZ Magazine - Issue #5 Summer 2023 | University of Rochester
P. 11





           1. THE WILDLIFE:                         4. SAFETY FIRST:
           In Turks and Caicos, Zack jumped into the water for a   Zack and Jill follow strict safety protocols. For instance,
           swim and was soon joined by two dolphins. Jill took   while on passage, one person is always assigned to keep
           notice, and the couple ended up taking turns in the water,   watch and helm the ship. The designated person cannot
           each spending one-on-one time with the smaller dolphin   leave the cockpit unless the other partner is awake and
           while the other looked on. “It was an incredible personal   present nearby. Zack says they have heard too many
           interaction—kind of like a playdate—with these dolphins,”   tragic stories of people getting tangled up in lines and  what life’s like
           Zack says.                               dragged into the water, even if they’re wearing a life jacket.
                                                     For the Hummels and other sailing couples, the term
           2. THE BOAT:                             “partner” carries a profound significance when it comes to
           Home is on the Hummel’s semi-custom Hylas sailboat.   ensuring each other’s safety.
           “We love everything about it—from its solid build and hull
           shape to the headroom and beautiful woodwork,” says   5. KEEPING THE PEACE:
           Zack. The primary cabin is located aft, featuring a king-  Effective communication is essential to successfully living
           size bed, an ensuite head, and a stall shower. The forward,   with your spouse 24/7 in a small space, Jill says. “Cruising
           or “VIP,” cabin has a private entrance and a second   couples discuss this topic frequently. It’s crucial to talk
           head, while the third cabin is used to store tools, scuba   about what brings you happiness and what bothers
           equipment, and other gear.                you—on a boat, there’s no space for significant unresolved
                                                     issues.” Jill and Zack encountered another cruising couple
           3. ALWAYS A YELLOWJACKET:                 in Antigua who named their dinghy “Time Out.” Whenever
           Jill and Zack have made a custom sail as well as hats,   one of them needs a break, they use it.
           inspired by their last name, Hummel, which means
           “bumblebee” in German.                   6. IDYLLIC MOMENTS:
                                                    The couple agrees—the most restful and peaceful
                                                     times come when they are way out on the deep ocean,
                                                    especially at night, when there’s no land in sight, no light,
                                                    and no noise pollution. “There also aren’t any sharp, pointy
                                                     things in the water that could harm the boat,” adds Zack.
                                                    Another plus: The sky is vast, and the stars are incredible.   11
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