Page 17 - Endowment Report 2022 | University of Rochester
P. 17

Long-Term Investment Pool

          As of June 30, 2022 (fiscal year-end 2022), the University   Rochester’s net investment return for the LTIP during the

          of Rochester’s Long-Term Investment Pool (LTIP)      fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, was -11.6%, compared to
          was valued at $3.2 billion. Endowed funds from the   the benchmark return of -13.3% (comprising 80% global
                                                               stocks and 20% bonds).
          University’s programs represent approximately $2.7
          billion of the LTIP.* Each fund benefits from scale and
                                                               The LTIP outperformed the benchmark for one-, three-,
          diversification of the LTIP. The University is one of 50
                                                               five-, and ten-year periods. Rochester’s five-year average
          colleges and universities in the United States with an   net annual investment return was 8.7% versus 6.0% for
          endowment of more than $2 billion.                   the benchmark. The ten-year average net annual return
                                                               was 8.8% versus 7.5% for the benchmark.

                                                               *Other funds held in the LTIP include trusts, annuities, supporting
                                                               organizations, foundations, and reserves.


          Long-Term Investment Pool Value
          (Primarily endowment, dollars in billions)                                                         3.22

                                                                                               2.58 2.61
                                                                        2.13     2.12

                                        1.77  1.75                 1.81
                                                          1.66 1.65
                                   1.52              1.47
                              1.39               1.37
            1.25         1.26
                1.14  1.13

             00-01  01-02  02-03  03-04  04-05  05-06  06-07  07-08  08-09  09-10  10-11  11-12  12-13  13-14  14-15  15-16  16-17  17-18  18-19  19-20  20-21  21-22

   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20