Page 18 - Endowment Report 2022 | University of Rochester
P. 18

Asset Allocation and Return

               Rochester’s portfolio is divided into 39% traditional   Publicly traded equity generated a net return of -18.3%
               publicly traded assets—stocks and bonds—and 61%     compared to -15.8% for the global stock benchmark.
               non-publicly traded investments, such as private equity,   Opportunistic funds returned -27.5% and international
               hedge funds, and real estate, referred to as “alternative   equity returned -12.2%.
               investments.” This approach has ensured growth during
                                                                   Alternative investments generated a net return of -8.9%.
               economic expansions and capital preservation in economic
                                                                   Hedge funds returned -14.8%, private equity funds
               downturns, with volatility far below the benchmark.
                                                                   returned -8.8%, and real asset funds returned 13.7%.
               Major asset classes generated the following performances
                                                                   Bonds and cash returned -4.1% compared to the -3.6%
               in fiscal year 2022 (net of fees):
                                                                   return for the bond/cash benchmark.

               Asset Allocation

               as of June 30, 2022

                   2.0% Real Estate                                                           4.6% Fixed Income
                     11.9% Buyouts

                                                                                              19.4% International Equity

                     18.3% Venture

                       3.3% Cash
                                                                                              9.9% Opportunistic Equity
                    1.6% Distressed

                                                                                             1.0% Mining & Commodities
                                                                                             1.7% Direct Commodities
                                                                                             0.2% Agriculture
                     23.5% Hedge                                                             2.6% Energy

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