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                                                    rom its birth early in the 20th century, our academic medical center
                                                has earned a reputation for innovative education—from helping to
                                                pioneer the Flexner framework, to the biopsychosocial model which
                                                remains our hallmark, through the 1990s when we introduced the
                                                “double helix” curriculum that integrates science education and clinical
                                                medicine throughout the learning process.

                                                These approaches have produced generations   musculoskeletal research centers for more
                                                of clinicians and researchers who are not just   than a decade. That vision and leadership
                                                experts in their chosen fields, but innovative   provided momentum for Orthopaedics’
                                                thinkers eager to find new solutions to   growth, allowing us to care for today’s
                                                longstanding problems. We recruit faculty   patients while helping future generations
                                                members who also think outside the box,   to live longer, healthier, more active and
                                                finding new ways to improve health by   fulfilling lives.
                                                understanding and treating the whole patient,      No conversation about the future of
                                                not just their symptoms.               medicine is complete without acknowl-
                                                   Our Department of Orthopaedics is a   edging our increased reliance on information
                                                prime example, as you’ll learn in our cover   technology to document, analyze, diagnose,
                                                story. URMC is preparing to build a new   discover, and even project health outcomes.
                                                orthopaedic campus—a place that will   In this issue, we introduce you to our Chief
                                                ultimately combine clinical care, research,   Information Officer, Tom Barnett. Building on
                                                education, and community wellness under   a career of IT innovation at other institutions,
                                                one roof. As we look to the future, our story   Tom has mapped out a bold strategic vision
                                                explores how innovation has been part of   that will leverage data to improve patient
                                                our department’s DNA since its start, helping   care, while making interactions with the EHR
                                                to drive improvements in the field that   as seamless as possible for clinicians.
                                                benefit patients everywhere. From a handful      Along with news of faculty achievements
                                                of physicians focused on mending broken   and recent highlights from across our
                                                bones and exhausted joints, orthopaedics at   enterprise, we hope this issue reconnects you
        Mark B. Taubman, MD                     URMC has become a thriving, multi-faceted   with colleagues, fellow alumni, and a school
                                                specialty. Our clinicians, educators and   that appreciates the part you’ve played in
        CEO, University of Rochester Medical Center  researchers collaborate to apply the latest   bringing us where we are today.
        Dean, School of Medicine and Dentistry  technologies—and to invent new ones—      As I begin my second five-year term
        Senior Vice President for Health Sciences  that keep people healthy and on the move.   as dean and CEO, I extend my sincerest
                                                   Significant in the department’s history are   appreciation for your support of our Medical
                                                renowned scientists and clinicians who have   Center and University. To be entrusted
                                                emerged from our medical school, residency   with advancing the mission of our great
                                                and fellowship programs to prominence for   organization is by far the pinnacle of my
                                                their countless contributions to orthopaedic   four-decade career, and serving as dean of
        On the cover                            discoveries and innovations. Among them are   the School of Medicine and Dentistry with
        Good things come in small packages, like this    leaders like inaugural chair C. McCollister   the support of administration, faculty, and
        gumdrop-like implant that could be a game-changer   “Mac” Evarts, who helped introduce total   alumni is an honor and responsibility that
        for arthritis treatment.                hip replacement surgery to the U.S., and   I treasure.
                                                Ed Puzas, first director of Orthopaedics      I look forward to all that we can achieve in
        Photo by J. Adam Fenster, University of Rochester  research, who laid the groundwork for us   the next five years.
                                                to remain among the top five NIH-funded

        What do you think?                      Read more Rochester Medicine               To support the Department of
        Rochester Medicine welcomes letters from readers.                                  Orthopaedics, please contact
        The editor reserves the right to select letters for publi-  Submit Class Notes     Dianne Moll, senior director of
        cation and to edit for style and space. Brief letters
        are encouraged.                                                                    Advancement, at (585) 273-5506 or
                                                Write to Us                      
                                                Rochester Medicine magazine
                                                University of Rochester Medical Center
                                                601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 643
                                                Rochester, New York 14642
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