Page 5 - Rochester Medicine | 2019 Volume 1 | University of Rochester Medical Center
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Cover Story: Keep Moving: UR Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation

                                               Catherine Humphrey, MD (third from right) reviews the surgical instruments for hip fracture repair
                                               with residents (from left) Caitlin Orner (MD ’16), Michelle Smith, MD, Linda Zhang, MD, Serena Liu,
                                               MD, and Brittany Haws, MD.

       Researching New Cures,                  Medicine (Rheumatology and Endocri-    at major U.S. universities and launched
       Training Next-Generation                nology). Some 25 faculty members have   national searches for their inaugural
       Providers                               individual labs supporting over 75 scientists   directors. All three positions were filled by
        In addition to expanding its clinical   focused on research programs that include   former CMSR faculty: Michael Zuscik at the
       reach, UR’s Orthopaedic research and    Bone Biology and Disease, Cartilage    University of Colorado, Hicham Drissi at
       medical education efforts are preparing the   Biology and Arthritis, Musculoskeletal Stem   Emory University, and John Elfar at
       department for the future. Orthopaedics   Cell Biology, Musculoskeletal Repair and   Penn State.
       is home to research faculty who drive   Maintenance, Musculoskeletal Development,      As the U.S. faces a shortage of orthopaedic
       innovation and exploration at the Center for   and Bone Cancer Biology.        providers, UR’s Orthopaedic residency
       Musculoskeletal Research (CMSR), one of      CMSR has consistently placed in the top   training program is growing and evolving its
       the nation’s preeminent, top-funded musculo-  tier of NIH research funding and serves as a   training to prepare surgeons for next-gen-
       skeletal research enterprises. The Center   fertile training ground for the next generation   eration medicine. (Full story in Rochester
       integrates faculty from Orthopaedics and   of orthopaedic research leaders at UR and   Medicine Volume 1, 2018.)
       Rehabilitation, Pathology and Laboratory   across the nation. Last year three new
       Medicine, Biomedical Engineering, and   centers for musculoskeletal research opened

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