Page 9 - Rochester Medicine | 2019 Volume 1 | University of Rochester Medical Center
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The Promise of Patient Data Analysis

                                                    Northwestern University. “It is clear that   their use; to date, more than 40 clinical
                                                    the University of Rochester system is   departments and divisions have followed
                                                    indeed at the forefront of innovation in   Orthopaedics’ lead in offering it to their
                                                    health care. They have figured out how   patients.
                                                    to truly integrate the patient perspective      Patients’ input on what worked for
                                                    into their evaluation of clinical outcomes   them—and what didn’t—is creating a kind
                                                    across the system.”                  of health care “trip advisor” for providers
                                                       What’s different about the way    as they seek the best care pathways for
                                                    University of Rochester uses PROMIS?    future patients.
                                                    In 2014, a team led by Orthopaedics      “This information has real clinical
                                                    professors David J. Mitten (BS ’88, MD   value—as a physician, it can change how
                                                    ’92, Res ’97); Judith F. Baumhauer,   we  practice,” says Baumhauer.
                                                    MD (MPH ’09, Flw ’09); and PROMIS    When Baumhauer looked at aggregate
                                                    IT Project Director Chris Dasilva    data on Brostrom lateral ligament
                                                    replaced the PROMIS hardware with    reconstruction for chronic ankle sprains,
               In the national drive to improve health   a custom-built solution linked to  the   which she and her fellow foot and ankle
               care quality and value, the University of   University of Rochester Medical Center’s   surgeons have performed for years, she
               Rochester is seeking input from one group   own technology enterprise. The new   discovered that the most expensive
               of experts who haven’t weighed in yet: the   technology and collection process—  variation of the procedure, using a
               patients themselves.                 dubbed UR VOICE—instantly collects   fiber tape augmentation, was also the
                  Surveys of patient experiences are not   patient-reported PROMIS data and makes   least effective. This is just one example
               new to health care. Providers have long   it available for viewing in eRecord,   of hundreds that have been assessed
               used them to assess the quality of care   URMC’s electronic health record system.  with the patient front and center in the
               they deliver, but they had limitations.                                   judgment of the treatment.
               They were rendered sporadically, and                                         PROMIS also encourages shared
               only after the care was complete.   “It is clear that the                 decision making between provider and
                  Facing those challenges, Northwestern   University of Rochester        patient. “This program is the ultimate
               University made a leap forward in 2009 by                                 in paying it forward,” Baumhauer adds.
               developing the PROMIS patient reported   system is indeed at the          “It puts the patient front and center in
               outcome tool, with funding from the   forefront of innovation             health care and ensures that their voice
               National Institutes of Health.       in health care.”                     is heard. For the first time, the patient’s
                  PROMIS (Patient-Reported Outcomes                                      own perspectives on their care are part
               Measurement Information System) is     –David Cella, Northwestern University,   of their permanent health record, right
               a computer-driven survey that uses   who led the creation of PROMIS       alongside the doctor’s.”
               adaptive technology and item-response                                        As of September, the University of
               theory for highly detailed, accurate   The UR VOICE team then built a process   Rochester has collected 2 million patient
               results. The technology was powerful and   to collect assessments on iPads that   assessments in just three years. The
               had great potential, but presented a new   patients get at check-in. While they   nine-member UR VOICE team is in high
               challenge for health care systems: How to   sit in the waiting room, patients tap   demand at international conferences to
               efficiently gather information from large   their answers to questions about pain,   present its findings; New England Journal
               numbers of patients in a clinical setting,   function, and mood. Physicians can view   of Medicine Catalyst invited Baumhauer
               so the wealth of data would be easily   patient responses instantly and go over   to deliver a TED-style talk in Los Angeles
               accessible and usable by clinicians.   the results with the patient during their   in January 2019. She and clinical faculty
                  The Department of Orthopaedics    visit. Patients get a vivid picture of their   have  published perspectives about the
               devised a solution that has quickly built    progress: the URMC-designed interface   value of PROMIS—and UR’s leadership
               its reputation as a leader in implementing   displays their cumulative pain, mood,   in implementing it and using the data—in
               patient-reported outcomes, according to   and physical function scores as line   NEJM and other journals.
               the Northwestern researcher who led the   charts. Physicians use the data to spark      “We see this becoming the standard
               creation of PROMIS.                  conversations with patients and engage   of care, something that happens at every
                  “There are a handful of organizations   them in shared decision-making on their   visit, the same way you would take a
               that made the kind of ‘all-in’ commitment   care.                         patient’s blood pressure,” Mitten says. “We
               it takes to succeed in re-engineering a      As medical director of PROMIS   want to be the first medical system in the
               system as large and complex as health   and patient derived data for URMC,   United States that collects data on every
               care,” says David Cella, PhD, chair of   Baumhauer works with clinical areas   patient who comes through the door.”
               the Department of Medical Sciences at   to help them adopt the technology for

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