Page 14 - Rochester Medicine | 2019 Volume 1 | University of Rochester Medical Center
P. 14

Collaboration yields clinical excellence: Brian Giordano, MD (Res ’09),
                                                and P. Christopher Cook, MD, FRCS(c), FAOA, are co-directors of the Hip
                                                Preservation Program, a specialty service that is a leader in the region.

           “We can predict who will file a claim in the   care resources. It’s an example of how taking      Clinton Crossings was a breakthrough
        next three years with 76 percent accuracy,”   a biopsychosocial view of a health problem   idea, for its time: a convenient, easily
        Vasalos says, “and if you can predict it, you   can change an individual’s life, and an    accessible space with complementary
        can help prevent it.”                   entire society’s.”                     clinical services—diagnostic imaging,
           “Workplace injury represents a significant                                  physical and occupational therapy,
        portion of the patients we see in our clinics.   Next Steps: Plans For         prosthetics and bracing—all under one
        It’s also one of the highest operating costs   An Orthopaedics Campus          roof to better serve patients. When it opened
        that businesses have,” says Nicandri. “We’ve   After many years of planning, Orthopaedics   in 2000, it was state of the art. Since then, it
        identified risk factors for these injuries—   is poised to announce plans for an   has succeeded beyond all expectations and
        physical fitness, weight, and biopsychosocial   orthopaedics campus that ultimately will   the department’s growth is a direct result
        factors like social networks and depression.   bring together clinical care, research,   of this concept’s success.
        Preventing injuries by helping workers   education, and community wellness in one      “Orthopaedics’ role in URMC’s health
        achieve healthier lifestyles gives them higher   location. To see why, look no further than   care delivery has steadily grown over the
        quality of life and saves employers needless   Clinton Crossings—which is consistently   past several decades and it will play an
        expenses so they can invest elsewhere in   at top capacity and won’t accommodate   increasingly important part in our plans to be
        their business. This approach also reduces   the larger patient volumes the department   a regional provider of advanced health care
        unnecessary use of the nation’s finite health   expects in five years’ time.   services in the years ahead,” says Taubman.

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