Page 15 - Rochester Medicine | 2019 Volume 1 | University of Rochester Medical Center
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The orthopaedics campus will build on   analysis, a cardiovascular lab, an aquatic   the department’s work on developing new
        that success, and in the tradition of the   center, and classrooms focused on wellness   approaches to care and new cures.
        department’s commitment to “Meliora,” it will   and performance training. CHAMPP will      “As we invest in new facilities, we are
        set aggressive goals for the facility.   be headquarters for UR Fitness Science,   building spaces that promote multidisci-
           “As we envision a new campus, we are   a strategic approach to helping large   plinary, multi-departmental collaboration
        building not just more space, but a place that   populations of patients reverse the negative   between clinical staff, researchers, learners,
        fully integrates clinical teams, researchers,   trends of obesity, inactivity, and preventable   administrative and IT staff, and patients
        educators, residents, and fellows in one   injury. Led by Sports Medicine Division   themselves,” Taubman notes. “With this new
        setting to foster greater collaboration   Chief Mike Maloney, MD, CHAMPP will   project, we envision a facility that provides
        that will yield advances in clinical quality,   be a multidisciplinary center for proactive   patients battling mobility problems with
        scientific exploration, and physician   health care—combining Sports Medicine   convenient access to all of the services and
        training,” Rubery says.                 clinical teams, athletic performance training,   technologies they may require throughout
                                                physical therapy and rehabilitation, nutrition,   their care. And while CMSR will retain its
        A Look Ahead                            and behavioral health.                 facilities in the Medical Center, the new
        The new campus will mean more clinical      Phase II will expand the new site to   facility will integrate research activity
        space to address the projected increases in   accommodate innovative clinical, research,   on-site with clinical care delivery.”
        patient volumes. An Orthopaedic enterprise   and education programs, which will add      As it looks forward to the next steps in
        that grew from four clinic rooms in Strong   another 250,000 square feet over the next 10   its growth and evolution, the Department
        Memorial Hospital in 1974 to 133 today will   years. This phase of the build will add space   of Orthopaedics carries on a tradition of
        need still more space to cover current and   for residency and staff training, including   innovation. And it understands its role in
        future patient demands. While Orthopaedics   an auditorium, an education center, a skills   answering some of the most pressing health
        will continue to have outpatient sites   lab, and a mechanical testing space. CMSR   problems our nation faces.
        throughout the Rochester region, the    will retain its lab space at the Medical Center      “Some of the most groundbreaking
        campus will centralize core services    but will have additional space at the campus   treatments for Orthopaedic conditions that
        in one site.                            for clinical trials, bone density testing, and   physicians around the world use today got
           As Rubery explains, Phase I is projected   motion analysis.                 their start here,” Rubery says. “As we move
        to be complete in three years and will      Phase II also will include administrative   forward, we’ll be guided by the principles of
        include 350,000 square feet of new space,   space for physician offices, as well as   biopsychosocial medicine that imbues our
        primarily dedicated to clinical modules for   accommodations for residents and fellows,   thinking at URMC. And today’s innovators,
        outpatient care, Orthopaedic urgent care,   billing, schedulers, and conference space.   like the pioneers that came before them,
        and ambulatory surgery. The site will also      Plans are subject to approval by the   will redefine what orthopaedics means to
        house the Center for Human Athleticism   Board of Trustees in early 2019. Taubman   an individual’s well-being, and what our
        and Musculoskeletal Performance and     says the campus will be a place where   specialty can contribute to the nation’s health
        Prevention (CHAMPP), with facilities and   researchers, clinical care teams, and patients   care delivery.”
        equipment for video-enabled motion capture/  can share a productive setting to accelerate

                                                                                  Demand for UR Medicine
                                                                                  Orthopaedics services

                300,000                                                           continues to rise

                                                                                  dramatically, driving
                250,000                                                           the need for expanded

                                                      UR Medicine
                                                      Orthopaedics                operating room,
                200,000                               Projected Visits
                                                                                  outpatient clinic, and

                                                                                  rehabilitation space to
                                                                                  meet expected needs.
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                            FISCAL YEAR

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