Page 11 - Rochester Medicine | 2019 Volume 1 | University of Rochester Medical Center
P. 11

Using Technology to Predict             $1 billion weekly expense for U.S. employers.   screenings, and patient health surveys
        and Prevent Injury                      The effort began as a pilot by Rubery and   to gather data. Custom-written software
                                                Kostantinos Vasalos, director of rehabili-  interprets the data and identifies who’s at
        Technology, paired with principles of biopsy-  tation services and chief of sports and spine   risk of a health issue that could trigger a
        chosocial medicine, can be a powerful tool   rehabilitation, who showed that exercise    workplace injury claim. At-risk workers get a
        in addressing modifiable health risks. It   and nutrition interventions could help   customized intervention—which can include
        can also automate clinical tasks, identify   prevent injury and promote health among   nutrition counseling, physical therapy,
        opportunities to improve health care quality,   URMC nurses.                   athletic training, behavioral health, pain
        and improve cost-efficiency of care.       Building on those findings, Vasalos,   management—to promote their health
           One example that’s already making a   Mitten, and Gregg Nicandri, MD, associate   and safety.
        difference: Workplace Health, an Orthopae-  professor of Orthopaedics, built a high-tech      After a 3-year pilot of 4,000 URMC staff,
        dics-led technology and business venture to   system that employs video-capture   the program cut claims costs by 37 percent
        prevent workplace injury, estimated as a   technology, physical and behavioral health   and the team is selling the solution to large
                                                                                       Rochester-area employers.

                                                Hand surgeon Constantinos Ketonis, MD, PhD (left), and research scientist Alayna Loiselle
                                                (PhD ’09) are researching ways to improve flexor tendon healing in the human hand; artificial
                                                intelligence and machine learning help by automating analysis of ultrasound images.

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