Page 10 - Rochester Medicine | 2019 Volume 1 | University of Rochester Medical Center
P. 10

East High School students who participated in        WATCH
                                                Fitness Science trials have advanced physically   TO SEE A VIDEO
                                                and academically thanks to the program’s
                                                unique combination of athletic training,              ABOUT
                                                nutrition, and mindset skill development.      FITNESS SCIENCE,
                                                Leaders of the initiative include, from left,          visit:
                                                Michael Maloney, MD (Res ’97), Calvin
                                                Cole, PhD, research assistant professor, and
                                                Shaun Nelms (EdD ’13, MS ’04), associate         urfitnessscience
                                                professor, East High Educational Partnership
                                                Organization superintendent, and William &
                                                Sheila Konar Director of the Center for Urban
                                                Education Success at East High School.

        Fitness Science

       Athletic performance specialists Cameron Apt
       and Emmalyn Osterling guide Fitness Science
       athletes through a workout.
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