Page 12 - Rochester Medicine | 2019 Volume 1 | University of Rochester Medical Center
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Synthetic Cartilage Offers New Solutions for Arthritis Care

                                                  Judith F. Baumhauer, MD, MPH, helped bring   world just to see if they’re candidates for
                                                  synthetic cartilage as a treatment for arthritis   this,” she notes.
                                                  to the U.S. She led research to demonstrate its      Baumhauer presented 5.8-year results on
                                                  safety and efficacy and performed the nation’s   the initial study of the participants in July
                                                  first implant.                          2018. “It’s a 90 percent win with only one out
                                                                                          of 10 implant patients experiencing continued
                                                  54 million people and driving $140 billion in   pain at two years,” Baumhauer notes. “We
                                                  health care costs every year.           saw a slight drop-off to 85 percent at 5.8
                                                     Baumhauer’s research could be offering   years, and for the 10 percent of cases that did
                                                  patients and physicians an important next    not respond well at two years, the implant
                                                  step. “Until now, the best treatment for   can be removed with no adverse reactions.
                                                  severe great toe arthritis has been to fuse   The surgeon can then fuse the toe as would
                                                  the toe, leaving it stiff but with the pain   have done prior to the Cartiva, so when you
                                                  being markedly less,” she says. “But patients   remove the implant and you fuse it, you don’t
           When it comes to                       often want to retain their motion. Previous   lose any ground in the pain relief. Unfortu-
           managing arthritis,                    generations of implants have been shown to   nately, you do lose the motion.”
           there hasn’t been                      cause some bone destruction and wear debris      Implant patients also expressed high
           much movement in                       that make treating the toe, if the implant   levels of satisfaction. Ninety-three percent
           recent years. Physicians and their patients   fails, much more difficult.” Baumhauer   said they would have the procedure again.
           had a time-tested but limited range of   notes that the results from previous types   Patients reported a 97 percent median
           treatments: from anti-inflammatory and pain   of implants have often shown to be less   reduction in pain, 25 percent improvement
           medications, to cortisone or hyaluronic acid   beneficial than traditional fusion.   in range of motion, and 176 percent median
           injections, and for end-stage, bone-on-bone      That is what makes this new implant   improvement in sporting activities.
           sufferers joint fusion or total joint   so exciting. Baumhauer and her fellow      “The study demonstrated that the Cartiva
           replacement. But Judith F. Baumhauer,   researchers in the MOTION study determined   implant was as effective as fusion for pain
           MD (MPH ’09, Flw ’09) says new research   that the synthetic cartilage implant   and function and yet it improved range of
           is showing a promising option—and it is   manufactured by Cartiva , a medical device   motion of the toe, ” Baumhauer says.
           proving to be a game changer.          company out of Alpharetta, Ga., was effective   “I anticipate that it will become a very
              Baumhauer was principal investigator   in providing pain relief and was superior in   common procedure, and I’m gratified that
           on a study to test synthetic cartilage as a   preserving range of motion.      the initial results have continued as the
           new treatment for arthritis. Baumhauer, an      Days after the FDA  approval came,   procedure has expanded to other centers and
           orthopaedic surgeon specializing in foot and   Baumhauer was the first U.S. surgeon to   physicians across the country.”
           ankle surgery, professor, and associate chair   implant the device in a patient. The small,      The next step for synthetic cartilage will
           of academic affairs in Orthopaedics, led a   translucent implant looks and feels like a   be testing its potential for other joints in the
           seven-year, multi-center study in Canada   gumdrop, but is able to cushion a joint that   body. Led by Warren Hammert, MD, Chief of
           and the United Kingdom. The MOTION study   takes 300 percent of a person’s body weight   the Hand and Wrist Division, the University
           compared joint fusion surgery patients   with each step, for thousands of steps a   of Rochester is one of five U.S. academic
           with those who received synthetic cartilage   day. Some 17,000 U.S. patients have had   medical centers to trial the implants to treat
           implants to treat severe great toe arthritis.   the implant since Baumhauer’s first case,   thumb arthritis—the most common form of
           The most common form of arthritis in the   and follow-up on the MOTION patients is   arthritis in the hand. Thumb arthritis affects
           foot, great toe arthritis affects one in 40   promising. The synthetic cartilage device   one in four post-menopausal women, which
           individuals over age 50.               seems to be  holding up, even in the busiest   is one reason the Cartiva implant is being
              The promise of a new type of treatment   single joint in the body.          tested for improved motion and pain relief.
           is significant. Osteoarthritis is the leading      Since that first procedure, Baumhauer   Hammert performed the center’s first hand
           cause of disability in the U.S., affecting    says the interest in the implant has exploded.   procedure using Cartiva in June 2018.
                                                  “We have people flying in from all over the

         “America’s population is aging, obesity is at epidemic levels, and youths and adults are

          experiencing higher levels of anxiety and depression. We are seeing the impact of this

          throughout the Medical Center, particularly in our orthopaedics patients.” – Paul T. Rubery, MD
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