Career volunteer opportunities

Career volunteers provide students and fellow alumni with invaluable skills, access to opportunities, mentorship, and much more. Here’s how you can help.

Post or refer a job or internship

Join The Meliora Collective, Rochester’s exclusive online networking and mentorship platform

Create your profile and get started by:

  • Joining one of the 40+ affinity and interest groups, like the Women’s Network, Black Alumni Network, COVID-19 Professional Support Network, or the Law, Policy and Social Good Career Community
  • Posting a discussion topic or responding to a question
  • Being available to fellow community members and becoming a mentor
  • Recommending or posting a job
  • Searching for alumni in your field or region to connect with

Join the University of Rochester alumni group on LinkedIn to engage with students and alumni and help others build their professional networks

Engage with students through the Gwen M. Greene Center for Education and Connections

Fill out the volunteer interest form in order to:

  • Build affinity and community with UR alumni in your organization
  • Host virtual student visits to your office
  • Host mock interviews to help students hone their skills before going on the job market
  • Host a virtual tech talk, information session, or coffee chat for students interested in your industry or organization
  • Share your experiences as a part of the “Careers Unfiltered” podcast
  • Represent your company at a virtual career fair or interview day
  • Review industry- and geographic-specific resume books
  • Connect with over 250 student organizations like the Engineers for a Sustainable World, Baja SAE, 1st Gen Society, and many more
  • Attend virtual networking events and programs to share your expertise with students

Make a gift to the Career Success Fund

The Career Success Fund support those elements of career education and success that are often overlooked but are critical to overcome any barriers that may exist – professional development, skill development, connecting to alumni and employers, clothes, travel to and from opportunities (such as interviews, professional development), and technology to practice interviewing, networking, resume development and storytelling. Your support will provide these resources to more students and provide them with the best opportunities for their future by removing barriers to success.

Share your success story

Have you hired a Yellowjacket recently? Started a new internship program at your company? Made a career switch with guidance and help of a fellow alumnus/a? We want to hear all about it. Email with your name, contact information, and a short description of your success story.

Share your skills

Check out the gallery of past Career Conversations webinars and consider the hard-earned skills and lessons you can share with students and alumni alike in a virtual talk. Email associate director of alumni relations, Michelle Cavalcanti, with your name, contact information, and a short description of your proposed topic.

If you are a Rochester alum that is an experienced and professionally trained career coach who is interested in working with fellow Rochester alumni, consider becoming part of the Career Coaches Network!

Be a part of the Together for Rochester campaign

Many recent graduates, alumni, and students have seen job offers delayed, travel disrupted, plans interrupted, or lost internships and research opportunities. Partner with us and our career centers to recruit Rochester graduates, offer internships, full-time jobs, post-graduate fellowships, and career-building volunteer activities.

Learn more

Thank you for making our Rochester network ever better.

Interested in other volunteer opportunities? Click here to learn more about volunteering with your local alumni network, reunion committee, and more.