
You’re in good company! Being a University of Rochester graduate has a lot of perks. We have relationships with several partners that offer their services at a discount to alumni community members and their families. Browse the listing below to see our current offerings, but we’re always working on expanding this list.

Tuition plans

Tuition discounts are offered for part-time studies programs which provide adults from the Greater Rochester area the opportunity to take classes for intellectual enrichment or professional development. For more information on this program, please visit the Office of Summer and Part-time Studies.

View a list of tuition discounts and fees

Insurance discounts

Auto, Home & Renters ◦ Life ◦ Accidental Death ◦ Travel ◦ Long Term Care ◦ Long Term Disability ◦ Critical Illness ◦ Accident ◦ Hospital Indemnity ◦ Pet ◦ Identity Theft ◦ Small Business ◦ Medicare Supps

Financial Services

  • Real Estate Benefits: connect with a network of hand-selected agents—and earn a cash rebate
  • Student Loan Refinancing and Mortgages—with special rates
  • Advisory Services provide customized, confidential, no-cost guidance from licensed insurance advisors


Most options are available to alumni, students, faculty, and staff, as well as each of their spouses, domestic partners, children, parents, and siblings

Learn more

Entertainment discounts

Visit Orlando

Save up to 35% on your Orlando vacation! Orlando Member Discounts is the largest wholesaler of tickets to ALL Orlando area theme parks and attractions, including Disney World, Universal Studios Orlando, and Sea World. Exclusive pricing on hotels & vacation homes is also available. To access your discounted pricing, click here and enter the username rochalumni to login.

Start planning your vacation today!