Meet the University’s Alumni Board

Edward Fox ’91, ’95M (MD)

Edward Fox ’91, ’95M (MD)

Which staff member influenced you the most?

Cathy Thompson, Rodney Castle, Julie Ridout, Paul, and Newman in Radiology

What's your most memorable Rochester hangout?

Wilder Tower ICLC

What’s your favorite place on campus?

The Eisenberg & Jones labs in the Department of Chemistry.

If you could relive one day on campus, what would it be?

My first date with my future wife Grace C. Hsu

What’s one thing you learned about yourself during your time at Rochester?

You can’t do it all alone; you have to get help from your friends and faculty to make it through to where you want to go in life.

Why did you choose to study at the University of Rochester?

On my visit to Rochester, my tour was misscheduled and they didn’t have anyone official to do a tour, so I started wandering around campus. I ran into a student who asked if I was lost and so I told him my predicament, and he took time out of his busy day to show me around campus; that kindness to a random stranger really impressed me.