Meet the University’s Alumni Board

Kamila Barnes ’11N (MS), ’13N (DNP)

Kamila Barnes ’11N (MS), ’13N (DNP)

Who is someone that inspired you during your time on campus?

Dr. Jane Tuttle, my Family Nurse Practitioner Program Director

How do you describe the University of Rochester to someone who’s never visited?

Peaceful campus, Zen energy.

The Garbage Plate at Nick Tahou Hots or wings at The Distillery?

Wings at the Distillery.

If you could relive one day on campus, what would it be?

When I started the Graduate Students of Color Network and hosted our first mixer. 50 graduate students attended and some of us became lifelong friends.

What advice would you give an incoming student?

Network! Do not remain in a silo. Meeting the right people can change your entire life.