Major Declaration

Declaring a Cluster

The Rochester Curriculum encourages students to pursue "substantive and integrated study" in each of the College’s three divisions of learning: humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences and engineering. To earn a degree from the University of Rochester, all students are required to complete at least one major in one of the three divisions of learning and one cluster in each of the other two divisions, with an average grade of C or better. (Students who complete one of the professionally accredited Engineering concentrations (BME, CHE, ECE, ME) need to complete a cluster in only one of the other two divisions.) A "cluster" in this context refers to significant work in one of the divisions and may take the form of an approved cluster, a minor, or another major.

The cluster web page provides a comprehensive and detailed explanation of the rules regarding clusters.

The cluster search engine helps students identify approved clusters that match their interests.

Students formally declare their clusters when they submit the online major declaration form.

For more information, consult an advisor in the College Center for Advising Services.