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Make a Commitment to the Safety of Our Community

Embedded in our University motto, Meliora, are the values that guide our interactions with one another: Equity, Leadership, Integrity, Openness, Respect, and Accountability. Those values guide us in our continued response to COVID-19. As a student, you can do your part to keep the University community healthy and safe by taking the COVID-19 Community Commitment. Show your support for the #URCommitment and help spread the word on social media with these downloadable graphics.

What to Expect for the Fall Semester

Last Monday, the Coronavirus University Restart Team (CURT) and senior leadership announced guidance for the fall on the University’s non-Medical Center campuses, taking into consideration the most recent guidance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and New York State. The University’s guidelines will be updated as additional CDC, county, and state guidance is distributed; check the COVID-19 Resource Center site regularly for updates.

Celebrate the Start of the Academic Year at Yellowjacket Weekend

Kick off the semester with the first Community Weekend of the academic year, Yellowjacket Weekend! Join Wilson Commons Student Activities from August 26–30 for carnival rides and games, creative crafts, giveaways, music, food trucks, and more. The signature event will be an outdoor concert featuring performance artist Jesse McCartney. This Rochester Tradition is the perfect time to showcase your love for Rochester and your Yellowjacket school spirit. From bingo to glow roller skating, there will be plenty of opportunities to connect with the campus community. Stay tuned to Instagram or Facebook for announcements and updates.

As part of Yellowjacket Weekend, students can explore their passions and get involved by attending the Activities Fair on August 27 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. on Wilson Quad. This unique and exciting Rochester Tradition provides space for students to learn about and interact with members of over 280 student organizations. Undergraduates will be able to visit booths, chat with student leaders, watch performances, and explore opportunities to engage. Browse CCC ahead of time to get insight into the various organizations you can expect to encounter.

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Read This is a publication of the Office of the Dean of the College and University Communications. It’s emailed to all undergraduates at the College on Sunday evenings during the academic year. Send comments and report delivery problems to

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