URDU Starts Season in New York City at the Social Justice Debates Opener

September 19, 2022

The UR debate union as a group in the hotel lobby.

The UR Debate Union traveled to New York City to start off its debate season at the Social Justice Debates Opener. We rigorously debated on the topic of whether worker cooperatives are preferable over the traditional private firm model and learned a lot! The Social Justice Debates are a style of debate under the Civic Debate model, which sees debate as a public-facing activity meant to engage our communities and participate in civic discourse.

The highlight of the trip was that it was held at a high school—the Urban Assembly School of Design and Construction—and students were present for most of our debates. Additionally, Morehouse College and Howard University debaters performed an exhibition debate during a break in the day, where those high schoolers got to watch and ask questions during the debate. It was an enlightening experience for everyone present—high schoolers as well as college students—and we were proud to be able to share this educational experience with these future college students!

We look forward to a great rest of the season. Next we host our own Brad Smith Memorial Debates as the Policy Debate season opener next weekend! Onward and upward!