Page 5 - Fall 2019 Rochester Athletics Newsletter | University of Rochester
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 Fitness                                                  Homecoming 2019—

                                                          Saturday, September 21, 2019

                                                          Homecoming 2019 has been moved to Saturday, September 21,
                                                          when Rochester hosts Alfred State at Fauver Stadium at noon.
                                                          Rochester will continue our traditions for homecoming with a
                                                          pre-game All-Varsity Tailgate as well as a post-game reception
                                                          for football alumni with current team members.

                                                          SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21
                                                           9–10:30 a.m.    Special Screening:      325 Genesee Hall
                                                                           Video of Coach Stark’s
                                                                           1st win versus
                                                                           Hamilton in 1969

                                                           10:30 a.m.–     All-Varsity Tailgate    Fauver
                                                           noon                                    Meeting Room

                                                           Noon–3 p.m.     Rochester vs.           Fauver Stadium
                                                                           Alfred State

                                                           3:30–5 p.m.     Football Alumni         Fauver
                                                                           Reception               Meeting Room

                                                           6–8 p.m.        Women’s Soccer vs.      Fauver Stadium
                                                                           William Smith

                Athletic Annual Fund Challenge

                And the winner is—Women’s Soccer!

                Congratulations to Women’s Soccer as         You can make a gift directly to your
                they bring home the Cup in the highest       favorite program or to the general
                participation rate ever of 35 percent! Along   Athletic Annual Fund. In each case,
                with the Annual Fund trophy and a permanent   the sport you participated in will get
                plaque recognizing this accomplishment, they   credit for your gift. Multisport athletes
                also received a cash prize to their program.   who make a gift will see their respective
                They have set the bar high for next year’s   sports credited by making a single gift.
                competition—encourage your teammates to      Your gift will have the benefit of supporting the
                join in! Thank you to all who participated—  team, but also bragging rights for a full year as
                making this the most successful challenge yet!  to who has the most supportive alumni!

                You can track your team’s progress on the Athletics website,
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