Page 9 - Fall 2019 Rochester Athletics Newsletter | University of Rochester
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Back then, the Palestra had two locker rooms on the      Possee is the recipient of numerous awards and
        third floor, one for the men’s team and the other for the   honors including the Goergen Award for Distinguished
        visiting team.                                           Contributions to Undergraduate Learning, a Susan B.
        To Possee, it   “We’ve made such great strides           Anthony Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Rochester
        made sense      since the 1970s and much of it           Press-Radio Club’s Jean Giambrone Service Award.
        to give the     can be attributed to Jane and to         When she isn’t at work, Possee is with her family or
        women the       George VanderZwaag, who has led          sailing on Lake Ontario. She and her husband, Dick, have
        visiting team’s  Athletics for the last 20 years,” says   been married for 47 years and have six children and

        space. “We      Terry Gurnett, associate director        eight grandchildren. She is a former member and past
        did end up      (AD) of athletics.                       president of the Board of Directors for the Sodus Junior
        getting that                                             Sailing Club, which her father started in the 1950s. She is
        locker room, and the visiting teams went underneath the   also currently a member of the Board of Directors for the
        bleachers in an area redesigned for them,” she says.
                                                                 Genesee Waterways Center.
        “We’ve made such great strides since the 1970s and       Staying in touch with her former team members is
        much of it can be attributed to Jane and to George       important to Possee. She still connects with her first
        VanderZwaag, who has led Athletics for the last 20 years,”   group of athletes at a reunion they hold every other year.
        says Terry Gurnett, associate director (AD) of athletics.   “I’ve had the best students and athletes from the start,”
        “Jane has a steady, rock solid commitment to women’s     she adds. “It’s fun to keep up with as many of them as I
        sports that has served Rochester and our students so     can.” In 2011, a number of her former athletes established
        well.” As associate AD since 2001 and women’s soccer     the Jane Possee Endowment for Women’s Athletics,
        coach from 1977 to 2010, Gurnett has lived through                                             which provides
        many transformative moments in Rochester Athletics.       “I’ve had the best students and      perpetual
        Today, there are 23 varsity athletic teams and women’s   athletes from the start,” she adds.   support for
        teams make up 12 of them. They include basketball,       “It’s fun to keep up with as many     women’s sports
        cross country, field hockey, lacrosse, rowing, soccer,   of them as I can.”                    at Rochester.
        softball, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, and                                    With such a
                                                                 varied, dedicated, and recognized career in coaching and
        Possee transitioned from coaching to administration in   administration, Possee shares the following lessons for
        1992. That’s when she began overseeing the University’s   leaders: pay attention to the details, be a good listener,
        recreation program, which meant taking responsibility    and take life one day at a time.
        for intramurals, club sports, and rentals; student
        employment; and capital planning.
        In 1997, a big project came—renovating what is now
        known as the Goergen Athletic Center, which was
        made possible because of a leadership gift from Robert
        Goergen ’60 and his wife, Pamela, as well as support
        from Edmund A. Hajim ’58 and his family. Possee led the
        project for Athletics.
        Since then, Possee’s been the point person on many
        Athletics’ building and renovation initiatives, including
        the Speegle-Wilbraham Aquatic Center, the Bloch Fitness
        Center, and various facilities within and across the Brian
        F. Prince Athletic Complex. She’ll take the lead on future
        capital improvements, too, such as renovating the Field
        House, the outdoor tennis courts, and the grandstands
        and press boxes for baseball and softball.
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