Page 4 - 2019 Spring Athletics Newsletter | University of Rochester
P. 4

Fast Break
      Fast Break

                               March Matchness—                           Homecoming 2019—

                               A Smashing Success                         Saturday, September 21, 2019

                               For four days in March, alumni, family, and   Homecoming 2019 has been moved to
                               friends came together to make our March    Saturday, September 21, when Rochester
                               Matchness Challenge the most successful    hosts Alfred State in Fauver Stadium at
                               one in history! With a mantra of “Get into   noon. Meliora Weekend, when Homecom-
                               the Game,” teams raised a record of nearly   ing usually takes place, has been scheduled
                               $95,000. Teams vied for bonus prizes for   for the first weekend in October, and this
                               both alumni and parent participation. Win-  year the football team is scheduled for an
                               ners for alumni participation were Women’s   away game. All Homecoming traditions of
                               Soccer, Field Hockey, and Softball respec-  a pregame All-Varsity Tailgate as well as a
                               tively. For parent participation, it was Men’s   postgame reception for football alumni with
                               Soccer. The prize money was made possible   current team members will continue.
                               by a gift from alumna Louise Stapleton ’89.
                                                                          SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21
                                                                           10:30 a.m.–noon  All-Varsity   Fauver Meeting
         DID YOU KNOW                                                                    Tailgate    Room
         Rochester had 11 teams              Hannah Leahy ’21              Noon–3 p.m.   Rochester vs.   Fauver Stadium
         represented at the NCAA                                                         Alfred St.
         Championships this year
                                                                           3:30–5 p.m.   Football    Fauver Meeting
         •  Field Hockey (Elite 8)                                                       Alumni      Room
         •  Women’s Soccer
         •  Men’s Soccer (Final Four)

         •  Women’s Cross                                                 University of Rochester
         •  Men’s Cross Country                                           Fitness Science
         •  Men’s Basketball                                              Rochester Athletics is excited to announce a
                                                                          collaborative endeavor with the University of
         •  Men’s Indoor Track
           and Field                                                      Rochester Medical Center’s Fitness Science
                                                                          team. The UR Medicine team will provide
         •  Women’s Indoor
           Track and Field                                                our students with access to industry-leading
         •  Squash (Collegiate                                            wellness and peak performance experts dur-
           Squash Association                                             ing the academic year. Our coaches will work
           Championships)                                                 with the Fitness Science team to schedule
         •  Baseball                                                      weekly sessions with consultant strength and
         •  Women’s Outdoor                                               conditioning coaches, performance psychol-
           Track and Field                                                ogists, and a dietitian nutritionist. Rochester

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