Page 12 - Fall 2017 | Rochester Athletics | University of Rochester
P. 12



        Associate Director of Varsity Programs

                                            What are the biggest challenges     in music and in theater; that is, you are
                                            of your job?                        performing in real time with each contest.
                                                                                And, creativity happens when events
                                            When you are in an administrative role, you   are live, be it on the soccer eld or in the
                                            must be all-in. You live for each day, but you   concert hall. The team or orchestra makes
                                            must project 6, 9, and even 12 months in   the magic happen; the coach or conductor
                                            advance. Each day is dierent and surprises   must move things along; and the spectators
                                            happen. For example, once in bidding to   and audience add energy and excitement. In
                                            host two postseason men’s and women’s   all of these live “performances,” our students
                                            soccer events, we were assured by NCAA   learn how to play well and they learn how to
                                            that we would not receive two bids on the   improvise—skills that serve them well later
                                            same weekend. Then suddenly a venue   in life.
                                            adjustment was made and we ended up
                                            hosting both events on the same day, which
                                            involved six teams. The unexpected can   With such a busy job, how do you
                                            happen so it is important to stay exible.  relax?
                                                                                I enjoy running and cycling along with
                                            What’s changed over time here?      studying the strategy of sports. With a
                                                                                master’s degree in sports history, I am
                                            The attention to athletics has denitely   fascinated in what denes a “sport.” What
        Andrea Golden, associate director of varsity   evolved over time. From renovation and   qualies it to be a competitive activity,
        programs, joined the University of Rochester   construction programs—including, most   what are the challenges and the rules, and
        in 1996 and has been a key player within   notably, the Goergen Athletic Center and   what happens when you are challenged by
        Athletics ever since. Here, she talks about   the Prince Athletic Complex—the University   nature, a person, or yourself. I am interested
        her job, career, and life.          has made serious investments and    in wilderness sports, such as hiking,
                                            improvements to our facilities. Another big   backpacking, canoeing, and kayaking.
                                            change has been with technology. Students
        As an associate director of varsity   and parents have vastly dierent ways of
        programs, what do you do?           communicating than they did 20 years ago   What do you love about sports?
                                            and very dierent expectations. We have
        I work closely with many wonderful people   to be on top of this, by knowing about the   Sport has this tremendous ability to
        to make sure that our athletic programs run   latest technology, from using social media   energize us and to help us feel alive. This is
        as seamlessly as possible, such as the 150   to live-streaming games. We will always do   as true for basketball as it is for backcountry
        home events that we host every year, all of   what is needed to provide a rich, top-notch   skiing and marathon running. The power of
        which I strive to attend. I am fortunate that I   and well-rounded educational experience   sports continues to sustain why I am here
        work at what I set out to do in college, which   for our students and coaches.  and do what I do. I thrive on being a part
        was to be a teacher and a coach in health                               of creating an experience for our students
        and physical education. Over the years,                                 that fuels them today and triggers great
        teaching and coaching has aorded me   Why are sports important to oer   memories tomorrow.
        the opportunity to instruct at Smith, Ithaca,   in an academic setting?
        Harvard, and now Rochester.
                                            I think of sport as a performing art. Sports
                                            are live and closely mirror what happens

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