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Coach Profile

                                               On the court with

                                              Martin Heath

                                                                                   a professional squash career. A six-
                                                                                   time Scottish champion, he reached a
                                                                                   world ranking of No. 4 after joining the
                                                                                   Professional Squash Association world
                                                                                   circuit in 1993. He spent six years ranked
                                                                                   in the top 10 in the world as a player, then
                                                                                   several more as a TV commentator and
                                                                                   Squash magazine columnist. During that
                                                                                   time, Heath also worked as a private coach,
                                                                                   helping many athletes prepare for collegiate
                                                                                   Coaching, he felt, was a natural step for him.
                                                                                   It’s been a role he’s had at the University
                                                                                   of Rochester for 11 years. Along the way,
                                                                                   he earned his MBA at Simon. His academic
                                                                                   background, coupled with his professional
                                                                                   sports experience, adds to what he can offer
                                               Martin Heath grew up in Oban, a small town
                                               in Scotland. As sons of a physical education   to his players, including leadership, team
                                               teacher, he and his brother played every kind   building, strategic decision making, and
                                               of sport growing up, from golf to tennis to   athletic development.
                                               shinty. Yes, shinty, which he describes as “a   His work has paid off. The squash team
                                               really barbarian field hockey where you can   has been earning accolades the past few
                                               swing your club fully and there are always   years. “Last year, we made it to the finals
                                               two ambulances waiting.” Heath eventually   for the first time,” he says. “We lost to Yale
                                               settled on squash, a sport that he says is   at the end, but this year we’ve already
                                               “more friendly and fun” than others.   beaten them.” This year’s team recently
                                                                                   achieved a #1 ranking by the College
                                               Heath also describes squash as a microcosm
                                               of culture and diversity. “It originally came   Squash Association for the first time in the
                                               from the British Empire eons ago and has   Yellowjackets’ 59-year history.
                                               had a surge in popularity over the last 30   But Heath emphasizes the game isn’t
                                               or 40 years,” he says. “It’s one of the most   about just winning. “There are so many
                                               widely played sports in the world and   life lessons that come out of the game. We
                                               is played in nearly 200 countries.” In the   aim to provide a high level of play, build
                                               last few years, Heath has coached players   character under pressure, and encourage
                                               hailing from more than 30 countries   the right behavior and integrity—these are
                                               including Japan, Mexico, Canada, El   attributes players can really hone in this
                                               Salvador, Italy, Iran, and India.   sport.” He adds, “It’s about building lifelong
                                                                                   friendships, too. There are bonds built on
                                               After earning a bachelor’s degree in
                                               physiology and sport science from the   the court that will last forever.”
                                               University of Glasgow, Heath pursued
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