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Alumni Profile

        Nikki Izzo-Brown ’93

        Nikki Izzo-Brown has served as the only   “Nikki was one of the best
        women’s soccer coach in West Virginia
        University (WVU) history. Over the past   defenders ever to play for
        21 seasons, she has led the Mountaineers
        to numerous victories and NCAA      Rochester—tough, smart,
        appearances. In December 2016, the team
        narrowly lost the NCAA Division I national   absolutely fearless, and a
        championship game. Dozens of her players
        have achieved All-American and Academic   great leader. Today, she is
        All-American status and many have gone
        on to compete in the Olympics and in the   one of the finest coaches
        FIFA World Cup.
                                            in the country.”
        Here are highlights from a recent   —Terry Gurnett ’77,
        conversation with Brown about her life       women’s soccer coach 1977–2010
        and career.

        Why did you become a coach?
        My experience at Rochester and the   could be. It was the same way on the field,
        coaching from Terry Gurnett had a huge   as a soccer player. And Terry encouraged us
        impact on me. When I was a student   to apply our drive to everything we did, on
        at Rochester, Terry encouraged me to   and off the field.
        become a coach someday, but I didn’t   So, I’ve been lucky. I’ve been able to apply
        really even think about it as a career until   my undergraduate degree in psychology,
        I enrolled in an MBA program at West   my MBA, and my passion for soccer to
        Virginia Wesleyan years ago. At that time,   my job. My end goal is always to make a
        I took on a graduate assistant role as an   positive impact on the lives of the amazing
        assistant coach for the women’s Division   young women I work with.
        II collegiate program there. I thought I’d
        end up in the business world, but when   What’s your fondest memory here?
        WVU decided to start the women’s Division   The first thing that comes to mind would
        I soccer program, they asked me to   be the road trips with the team in Terry’s
        interview and the rest is history.   van. Some of those memories are priceless.
                                            Many lifelong friendships were cemented
        How did the University prepare you for   as we logged the miles to our games.
        this work?                          I’m also just very proud to have earned
        It’s been a very rewarding career and my   a degree from such a prestigious, top
        time at Rochester served a pivotal role in   tier private university. I worked so hard,
        shaping my approach. Rochester was—  and being able to do it alongside my
        and still is—a think tank. Academically, I   teammates was quite something.
        was always around people who were goal
        oriented and striving to be the best they   What does it mean to you to be a
                                            Friend of Rochester Athletics?
                                            It means supporting the place that has
                                            served as my bedrock. The University
                                            gave me a great education and an
                                            exceptional athletic experience, and for
                                            that I am grateful. Being a coach, I know
                                            firsthand how important it is to support
                                            the programs that enrich us. I try to give
                                            back what I can because the University
                                            gave me such great academic and athletic
                                            experiences. It’s part of my DNA to do what
                                            I can to help others in whatever way I can.
         Nikki Izzo-Brown poses with 2016 seniors
         Kadeisha Buchanan and Ashley Lawrence,
         2016 Olympic Bronze medalists.

                                                                                           Photo courtesy of WVU Athletic Communications
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