Page 6 - Fall 2018 | Rochester Athletics | University of Rochester
P. 6


          After nine years leading the Massachusetts Institute of Technology football
          program to unprecedented success, Chad Martinovich begins his first season as
          head football coach at the University.
         Martinovich’s arrival in Rochester brings him back to roots in Western New
         York. Martinovich graduated from Hobart College, where he played football, in
         1994. He then had coaching stops at Bucknell University, Hamilton College, the
         University at Albany, Swarthmore College, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
         before taking the head coaching job at MIT, where he helped the program earn
         its first-ever NCAA Division III playoff berth.

        1. HOW DID YOU DECIDE TO             that not many people talk about. There’s a   4. WHAT’S THE FIRST THING YOU  DID
        BECOME A COACH?                      lot of social development over four years   WHEN YOU ARRIVED?
                                             and I want to help them be better men by
        I was in my final year at Hobart and had                                  I tried to meet as many people as I possibly
        taken the LSATs and was set to go to law   the time they’re done in our program.  could. I’m a family guy and I think the
        school. I realized I didn’t want to give up   3. WHY ROCHESTER?           only way we can have success on the field
        football but wasn’t good enough to play on   I always thought the University of Rochester   is to develop a family-type culture. I had
        Sundays, so I decided to try coaching. My   football program was a sleeping giant. You   individual meetings with every young man
        head coach helped me find my first position   have one of the best research institutions in   on the roster to get to know them and
        at Bucknell University. My mom wanted me   the country, so you have a great academic   understand their academic and athletic
        to be a lawyer because she thought I argued   brand to sell. The facilities are as nice as any   aspirations. I also tried to meet as many
        well and my dad was a high school football   in Division III. The opportunity to build a   people on campus as I could, to better
        coach. So, I guess he won.                                                understand the resources available to our
                                             championship program was one I couldn’t   students. We have a very good support
        2. WHAT IS YOUR COACHING             turn down. It also made so much sense   network here. And I’ve enjoyed getting to
        PHILOSOPHY?                          for our family and our quality of life. I was   know our alumni. We have a very strong
                                             commuting 17 miles and spending a lot of
        I want to help our players develop   time in the car in rush hour. I felt like I was   and proud alumni base, so getting them
        academically, athletically, and also socially.   missing a lot of what my kids were doing.   engaged in my vision for the program has
        It’s the one aspect of the college experience                             been a lot of fun.

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