Page 7 - Fall 2018 | Rochester Athletics | University of Rochester
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10 QUESTIONS                                   CHAD


                                          HEAD COACH, FOOTBALL

        5. HOW WOULD YOUR PLAYERS            7. WHAT’S BEEN THE PROUDEST           And of course, I’ll get to experience my
        DESCRIBE YOU?                        MOMENT OF YOUR CAREER?                first Meliora Weekend.

        They’d probably say I’m intense. But I   I could say that it’s winning a conference   9. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY?
        would hope that they also say that I care a   championship, but that’s something we are
        lot about them and it shows. I have a pretty   always striving to do. Really, when young   Spending time with my family. My
        strong competitive drive, but I try to be   men I’ve coached come tell me that they’ve   daughter Hailey is 15 and plays volleyball
        extremely positive, as well.         received a job offer or got into graduate   and my son Tyler is 12 and plays football
                                             school, that’s when I’m most proud. It’s nice   and basketball. Watching them compete is
        6. WHAT DO YOU LOVE ABOUT SPORTS?    to know that I had an impact and that they   one of my favorite hobbies. I can just be a
        The competition and the camaraderie.   will go on to do great things after college.  parent and not a coach. We’re also enjoying
        In a sport like football, it’s not about one                               exploring Rochester as a family; there’s a
        person. It’s about all 11 guys who count   8. WHAT ARE YOU MOST EXCITED    lot to do here.
        on each other and it takes discipline,   ABOUT THIS SEASON?                10. IF YOU COULD BE A PROFESSIONAL
        accountability, and structure. I also love the   Everything. I haven’t had to work a day in   ATHLETE IN ANOTHER SPORT, WHAT
        process of preparing for a game over the   my life. I get to come to work every day   WOULD IT BE?
        course of a week and then starting again   and do what I love. The biggest adrenaline
        the day after for the next game.     rush is game day and I look forward to   Hockey. I  played hockey as a kid, in
                                             experiencing game day in Fauver Stadium.   addition to football. It’s a great sport.

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