Page 2 - 2019 Winter Newsletter | Rochester Athletics | University of Rochester
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A Message from the Director of Athletics—
                                            George VanderZwaag

                                                                                 ever, and many want to pursue
                                                                                 athletics here.

                                                                                 We owe this to several factors. Of
                                                                                 course, prospective students know
                                                                                 they will get a top-notch, rigorous,
                                                                                 academic experience here. They
                                                                                 look around the campus and see
              Beth Ghyzel ’20                                                    that they will have a great athletic
                                                                                 experience, too. Our focus on capital
                                                                                 improvements is a draw for them.
                                            I’m enormously proud of what         The Brian F. Prince Athletic Complex
                                            our students accomplished so far     is now complete, including the
                                            this year. For instance, six of our   recent full renovation to the ground
                                            teams—men’s soccer, women’s          floor of Fauver Stadium.
                                            soccer, field hockey, women’s        Our sights are now on renovating
                                            cross country, men’s basketball,     the Field House, which we will
                                            and women’s indoor track, along      complete this summer. We will
                                            with individual qualifiers from the   pursue other enhancements, too,
                                            men’s cross country team and the     such as upgrading the baseball and
                                            men’s indoor track team—made         softball fields.
                                            the NCAA Championships. Men’s
                                            soccer ad vanced to the Final Four   We can only do this because of you.
                                            for the first time in program history.   Your engagement and support
                                            Squash made the Collegiate Squash    fuels our activities and makes it
                                            Association’s Final Four for the 2nd   possible to continue to upgrade our
                                            time in three years.                 facilities, recruit the best students
                                            We saw other successes, too. Our     and coaches, and build the kind of
                                            women’s volleyball team had one of   programs that compel students to
                                            its strongest seasons and best starts   want to play sports here.
                                            in history. Momentum is growing
                                            among our football team and          Thank you for all that you do. I hope
                                            community at large, thanks to the    to see you at some home games this
                                            strong leadership of our new coach,   season and at some events on the
                                            Chad Martinovich.                    road. Mark your calendars for our
                                                                                 homecoming football game here
                                            Our students continue to inspire me   on Saturday, September 21, and                                     Carolyn Richards ’22
                                            with their dedication and spirit. This   stay tuned for the Meliora Weekend
                                            is what we look for as we recruit,   2019 schedule. Taking place October
                                            and it is what we are already seeing   3–6, Meliora Weekend will include
                                            among our prospective students.      a variety of alumni games and our
                                            Interestingly, for the 2019–20       annual Hall of Fame event.                                                                                                Andrew Lundstrom ’19
                                            academic year, we had the largest
                                            group of early decision applicants   Meliora!

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