Page 7 - 2019 Winter Newsletter | Rochester Athletics | University of Rochester
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won every last game of the season,                                      that we could push ourselves harder
          including two state championships                                       than we thought, that the team was
          and two national championships,”                                        only as strong as our weakest link,
          she says. “This makes it clear that                                     and that we could all depend on—
          every woman on that team had a                                          and prop up—each other.”
          distinct role and we all supported                                      The team still relies on each other.
          each other,” she says. “We were like                                    It still feels like family. It still values
                                                                                  what coach Gurnett taught them.
          Memories come alive for Buenzow                                         “When new locker rooms were
          when thinking about the NCAA Final                                      being built in the Brian F. Prince
          Four Championship that same year,                                       Complex, our team rallied together
          which the team hosted at Fauver                                         once again,” she adds. “We combined
          Stadium. “Our last game was so well                                     forces and resources to name the
          attended. There were about 1,000                                        women’s soccer locker room after
          people in the stands and another                                        Terry, for all that he did for us and for
          500–1,000 students on the hill,” she                                    so many women.”
          adds. “It was a thrill to play—and                                      That’s another score for the women’s
          win—this game on our home field. It                                     soccer team—a legacy to honor
          was like a big party.”              us would be in the front, others in   a great leader, commemorate
          Buenzow can’t say enough            the back. Some would be fast, others   the sport, and mark the magic
          about Coach Gurnett                 slow. Terry would always run with   that happens when a team works
                                              us, and he’d start with the group
          “One of my best memories is of      in the front to encourage them,     together.
          training when we’d run five or six   then he’d run to the back to push
          miles through Mt. Hope Cemetery     them. Through his actions and his
          on our off days,” she says. “Some of
                                              phenomenal spirit, he showed us

         Athletic Annual Fund Challenge

          The mid-year point finds the competition tight   You can make a gift directly to your favorite
          with Baseball holding a slight lead over Men’s   program or to the general Athletic Annual
          Basketball and Men’s Soccer. Join the challenge   Fund. In each case, the sport you
          and make your gift count and help your team   participated in will get credit for your
          win!                                        gift. Multisport athletes who make a

          The Athletic Annual Fund Challenge is a     gift will see their respective sports
          competition between all varsity programs—to   credited by making a single gift. Your
          obtain the highest percent participation of   gift will have the benefit of supporting
          alumni donors. Each team is competing for   the team, but also bragging rights
          the top spot in the competition, and your gift   for a full year as to who has the most
          to the annual fund can help your team—and   supportive alumni!
          thousands of students—win!

          The winner will be announced annually at the end of the fiscal year,
          June 30. You can track your team’s progress on the athletics website,

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