Page 4 - 2019 Winter Newsletter | Rochester Athletics | University of Rochester
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Top 10 with

        Ladi Iya

             Head Volleyball


        This former collegiate middle       night was particularly fun. We beat   4. What’s something about
        blocker has extensive experience    Nazareth on our home court and we    you that would surprise
        playing and coaching at the highest   worked for it—we won the first and   people?
        levels. Recruited to volleyball by a   third games, lost the second, and   I’m obsessed with bacon. I’m a pretty
        high school coach who lured her     then the fourth was just a nail-biter,   healthy eater, but I love it. It’s my
        away from soccer, Ladi soon fell in   with us wining 29-27.              weakness. Besides that? I was born
        love with the sport and has made it                                      and raised in Nigeria and I played
        her life’s work.                    3. How would you describe            on the national team in the Olympic
                                            the Rochester athlete? 
        1. What’s the best thing            They are very focused on what they   qualifiers in 2014. We didn’t qualify,
        about coaching here?                want to achieve, in athletics as well   but it was a phenomenal experience.
        The students and the supportive     as academics. They are motivated,
        environment. It’s a family environment  exceptional students.
        here, too. We share struggles and
        challenges and we celebrate personal
        and collective victories.
        2. What’s a favorite
        moment from the last
        We started the season so strong,
        with a 12-0 record. Better than
        “just” a great record though, was
        making history. Women’s volleyball
        had never started so well. Senior

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