Page 21 - Buzz Magazine - Issue No 2 Winter 2021 | University of Rochester
P. 21

I also love the concept of “awe walks”—walking   Finally, silence and stillness are really where the
           outside with a fresh perspective and noticing   work begins. Simply sitting with your gratitude,
           things that inspire gratitude. There have been   and thinking of your loved ones, especially at
           initial studies that show that such walks help   a time when we can’t necessarily be with the
           people become more upbeat and hopeful.   people we love, can be very meaningful. It
          There's a New York Times piece (read it at    removes noise and distractions so we focus on
  that describes one such   what we really care about. As a result, we might
           study, noting that "the awe walkers felt happier,   make different choices, make that phone call, or
           less upset and more socially connected than   reach out to others. When we pay attention, our
           the men and women in the control group."  values and behaviors start to align.

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