Page 19 - Buzz Magazine - Issue No 2 Winter 2021 | University of Rochester
P. 19



            IT IS WHO YOU ARE.                “

            those that help and benefit others—like   HOW ARE MINDFULNESS AND
            gratitude and compassion. This line from    GRATITUDE CONNECTED?
            Mary Oliver’s poem “Sometimes” sums it up   Gratitude is a high-impact, prosocial behavior
            well: “Instructions for living a life: Pay attention.   that is huge in therapy and positive psychology
            Be astonished. Tell about it.”           because it creates a lot of positive emotions.
                                                     One really fascinating thing that happens when
            HOW CAN MULTI-TASKING                    we have grateful thoughts is that we use words
            CONTRIBUTE TO STRESS?                    like “we” more often. Gratitude is prosocial in
            When we are distracted or multi-tasking, we   the sense that you see yourself connected to
            aren’t paying attention, and we become more   a bigger whole, which can combat things like
            reactive and more distressed, because we   loneliness and disconnection.
            are trying to do more than we are capable of
            doing. With multi-tasking comes the message   WHAT’S THE SCIENCE BEHIND
            of striving—you should do more. The reality is   MINDFULNESS AND GRATITUDE?
            that we can’t do all the things and we can’t do   WHY DO THEY “WORK”?
                                                     Mindfulness is considered a mind-body practice
            them well, and people often become burned   because there are both mental and physical
            out. There’s a lie that we’re supposed to be   benefits. It’s linked to changes in our brain: it
            productive at all times. Your worth is not what   increases activity in regions that control stress
            you produce—it is who you are.
                                                     regulation, and decreases activity in regions
                                                     that control our brain’s stress alarm system, like
            Ultimately, when we pay attention to our
            behaviors, we can ask the big questions: do I   the amygdala. Practicing mindfulness improves
            need to do all these things at once? Do they   our mood, decreases our stress, and can help
            align with my values? Is this what I really care   us better focus. It’s been shown to reduce
            about? The shift that mindfulness allows is the   chronic pain, decrease inflammation, and
            choice to show up to everything in our life—  improve sleep. Practicing gratitude has a similar
            whether they are things that we enjoy, or things   effect because people find themselves more
            that are hard or overwhelming—and be present.  connected to other prosocial behaviors like
                                                     compassion and empathy.

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